Bug #3834
closedAfter importing new Data Table, File/Save to Network fails
Testing both on Macintosh and Windows XP platforms.
I searched for and found an existing Data Package (nceas:953:1),
and used the Data Table Wizard to import and create column
metadata for a tab-delimited ASCII file. I completed the Wizard,
clicked the hyperlink 'click here to import..', and the new
table appears in the Morpho spreadsheet display.
(What I dont get is confirmation that the table has been saved,
it just turns up in the spreadsheet. A message would be nice.)
Then, I want to update the network version of the package
(nceas:953:1) to contain the newly imported table. Or at least,
store a version of it with a related 'nceas:xx:yy' accession number.
So, I choose File/Save, and check both 'locally' and 'to the network'
boxes. The local copy is saved, but NOT the network copy is not updated.
The only way that I can save the uploaded table to the data package on
the network, is to use File/Synchronize. When I do this, a new copy of
the package is created with a new accession number: 'reeves:56:1'.
Seems like File/Save to Network should update the existing data package
on the network with the new table, or AT Least, create a copy with a
derived accession number (e.g.,nceas:953:12). This has confused one of
the EBM data managers trying to register their data sets.
Rick R
Updated by Jing Tao about 16 years ago
hi, Rick:
I used morpho 1.7.0 and metacat 1.9.0 at dev to repeat the steps you described. After i clicked save button (both local and network were checked), i can see both local and network copies.
Here is the network copy:
You can see I got the revision 2.
Which user did you use to update the nceas.953.1?
Updated by Rick Reeves about 16 years ago
I installed Morpho RC 1.7 on my Windows XP (64bit) machine.
Performed the following test:
1) I uploaded a locally stored data package with attached table (nceas.953.3),
using File/Save to Network. The package was successfully added to the /dev
2) I Used the New Data Package Wizard to Import a New Data Table into the
network copy of the data package. The table was successfully added to
the data package on the /dev metacat, as version 953.5.
Test appears to confirm Jing's earlier test of the same solution. The bug is thus resolved.