Bug #3925
closedant run does not always work from paths with spaces
XP Pro x64 SP2, Java 1.6.0_11, Kepler 1.x dev build 17250
I checked out kepler to C:\Documents and Settings\soong\Desktop, but ant run doesn't work right. If I use the 8.3 filename, it almost works. If I create a junction at a path with no spaces, it works.
Path: C:\Documents and Settings\soong\Desktop\kepler\build-area
Fails due to whitespace quoting problem. Error says it can't find the main class "and" which it picks up from Documents and Settings.
Path: C:\Docume~1\soong\Desktop\kepler\build-area
Runs, but can't seem to access the network. I can't search KNB. There is no error, but it never returns. Existing datacans from loaded workflows are stuck at "Busy".
Path: C:\tmp\kepler\build-area
Seems to work for now.
Updated by Madhusudan Gujral almost 16 years ago
I notice similar problem while running java -jar kepler-trunk.jar on Windows machine. When installation folder is on desktop and directory name has a space in it.
Updated by Oliver Soong over 15 years ago
I think this actually got fixed some revision in the past. At least, it works for me now.