Bug #3983
openentering key-value pairs from a file is not user friendly
When a file has a column which is an enumerated list, the user has the option of including that key-values in a separate file. Sometimes that file is not available when the user is describing the data table. This is the scenario:
User chooses 'yes', key-value pairs are in another table
User finishes the rest of the column descriptions.
User gets to the end of the table, and Morpho asks for the table with the key-value pairs. But there is no option to ADD THIS TABLE LATER, and Morpho cannot save the the data package. The user has no option but to cancel, and lose all his/her work.
Side note: one user attempted to upload a excel file containing the key-value pairs, and morpho closed the data table wizard rather than displaying a message to the effect that "sorry, that file format is not supported"