Bug #3987
closedObscured window when adding keyword from predefined list in OS X
This arises during the Keywords step (step 3) of the New Data Package Wizard. Here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Click "Add". This opens a Define Keyword Set window.
2. Choose "These keywords are chosen from a predefined list", select either KNBRegistry or nbii, then click "Add". This opens a new window for keyword selection, e.g. Thesaurus Lookup.
The problem is that this second Lookup window opens "behind" the Define Keyword Set window. If you click on the Define Keyword Set window, the Lookup window pops forward, but as soon as you click on the Lookup window, it drops back again.
A workaround is to make sure your windows aren't overlapping :)
This problem only seems to happen during the New DP Wizard, not when adding keywords to existing DPs using the Documentation -> Keywords... option.