Bug #3992
Report Designer - finalize Report item properties
Added by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago.
Updated over 15 years ago.
We've got the window for editing them - but it's still unclear exactly what properties we'll want/need to support. Right now it's very generic (text fields) for the values. In the future we'll likely want to include some drop downs and perhaps even type checking for numbers.
Some recommendations for 2a1:
-scale-to-fit (either)
-repeat for every value
all static report items currently have: HEIGHT and WIDTH properties.
HR Items have only WIDTH.
more to come...
augmented the style sheet (XSLT) to handle some Item Properties:
-new subclasses of StaticReportItem (HR)
-ItemProperties that have been set by a report designer (font size/weight, hr width)
I'm glad this is working as expected - we can continue to collect/pass properties into the style sheet as needed. breathing a sigh of relief on that front.
[image] width and whether to scale-to-fit are now optional properties on every item.
i'm thinking "HIDE" will be a good one too, especially if we want to hide the TPC Status item that we'll be putting on the report design.
I believe that we have finalized the item properties, but not sure if the 'repeat once, 'repeat all' properties are working yet. I think that Ben was working on it recently.
i'm going to postpone adding the "repeat labels for all" option and all of the "which token of multiple tokens did you want?" type of selections.
closing - will add properties as needed
Original Bugzilla ID was 3992
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