Bug #4037
closedWRM - connect to Kepler-wide configurable provenance store
This is Phase 2 for the WRM interface:
-Add a Kepler-wide provenance configuration. The intent is that the WRM interface connects to a single store no matter what workflow frame you have open - that way you are able to browse many different workflows and workflow executions at once.
This subverts the one-workflow:one-frame cardinality and also blows away the idea of having a per-workflow configuration for the provenance store.
I'm not even sure this is the direction we will ultimately take, but we need to consider it since we've mocked up some UI features that indicate a central, Kepler-wide provenance store.
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder over 15 years ago
Provenance configuration is now using the cache's HSQLDB and is not configurable by a normal user (developers can change the values in a properties file in the provenance module if they wish - or edit the MOML directly). The Provenance configurer still exists, but is not exposed in the UI - only an "on/off" button for provenance.
Does this count as "centralized?"
Updated by Daniel Crawl about 15 years ago
This is implemented: the config file specifies the default connection parameters for the provenance store.