Bug #4179
closedant jar does not include configs/
The jars produced by 'ant jar' do not include any of the files in configs/.
Updated by Jing Tao over 15 years ago
Here is the code from line 106:
dirs.add( module.getTargetClasses() );
dirs.add( module.getSrc() );
dirs.add( module.getResourcesDir() );
//dirs.add( new File(moduleDir, "configs" ));
//dirs.add( new File(moduleDir, "lib") );
//dirs.add( new File(moduleDir, "lib/images") );
we are wondering if we add a new line:
dirs.add( module.getConfigsDir() );
Updated by Matt Jones over 15 years ago
Ptolemy requires configs to be at the root in the common module. In general we want all resources like configs to go in the resources directory. So, it's probably better to make it so that configs can be located in resources (rather than including configs).
Updated by Chad Berkley about 15 years ago
I found another bug (feature maybe?) with the jar task. the resources/configuration directory gets put at the root of the jar. I think it should go under resources still.
Updated by Chad Berkley about 15 years ago
I added the configs/ dir to the jar for the common module only.