Bug #4672
closedWorkflow title isn't refreshed during run export workflow rename
If you export a run that's Unnamed1, you're prompted to give the workflow a name. If you give it it a name, finish your export, you'll see the window hasn't changed names, it's still Unnamed1. And yet if you run this workflow again, the new run row shows the new name.
Related issues
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago
You're no longer prompted to rename an unnamed workflow during a run export. However, the following types of scenarios need to be tested once bug#4916 is fixed:
export a run with an unnamed workflow, then rename the workflow via e.g. the canvas context menu, then export the run row again. Compare the contents of the kars, and what workflow titles show up when you open those kars.
Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 15 years ago
Closing this. You can get into some confusing territory with name tracking if you follow the scenario in comment#1, especially if you open the kar that was exported before the rename, and then run its workflow, but i'm not sure how to fix this. If people find it confusing, we may want to reevaluate the provenance workflow name rename feature.