Bug #4789
closedmultiport input to composite actor seems to only pass first token
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See attached workflow. The problem is not likely to sit with RExpression itself, as I can move the RExpression actor out of the composite and things work as expected.
Updated by Oliver Soong about 15 years ago
If I listen to the multiport input on the RExpression inside the composite, I see one token on a single channel. If I move the multiport RExpression outside the composite, I see 2 tokens on 3 channels (3rd channel has no token as expected). As Chad found, if I replace the 3 outer RExpressions with Constant or Expression actors, the multiport Rexpression inside the composite behaves as expected.
Updated by Oliver Soong about 15 years ago
Inside the composite, the relation between the multiport and the RExpression has width 1. I'm not sure how or why it got set, but there's no "bug" per se.