Bug #4809
openKepler storing authenticated search results
From a clean cache, start Kepler and search using authenticated sources. Authenticate and Kepler will return search results. Restart Kepler and perform the same search again. Kepler will not ask for credentials. Try instantiating a dataset that requires authentication, and Kepler will ask for credentials. Restart Kepler and perform a search for a different term and Kepler will ask for credentials.
It looks like the search results are cached. Since access to new data requires authentication, new searches require authentication, and access to previously cached authenticated data does not, this may not be a problem.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 15 years ago
this has long been the case for datasets that have already been downloaded/cached - if you restart Kepler you don't need to reauthenticate when you open a workflow with those protected (and now cached) data tables.
I think the search results use the same/or similar caching mechanism, and to speed up the search I think the results are cached if you use the same exact search term. Of course this could be problematic if kepler never forgets since you'll never get updated search results if the DPs on metacat haven't changed.
You're sure the search is not being performed on the server?
Updated by Oliver Soong about 15 years ago
I'm not sure the search is being performed on the server. All I know is I'm not being asked to authenticate again.