Bug #491
closedeml-coverage changes needed
Changes as decided upon at the Sevilleta EML meeting, April 24-25, 2002:
Responsible: Chris
1) delete taxonomicKeywords element (it'll be handled in resource and mapped to
2) delete multipleDatesTimes, make singelDateTime repeatable (again, can map to
3) make "rangeOfDates" have content model (singleDateTime, singleDateTime)
4) make ComplexType for "Coverage" (+) which includes a CHOICE of elements for
temporalCoverage*, taxonomicCoverage*, geographicCoverage*
5) rename elements in geologicTimeScale to: alternativeTimeScale (timeScaleName,
timeScaleValue, timeScaleUncertainty, timeScaleExplanation, timeScaleCitation)
6) GeographicCov -- make bounding box require all four values (rather than two)
so that it defines a rectangle.
7) State indocumentaiton that places that have only a point location should put
identical coordinates in both corners of the bounding box (we decided NOT to add
a point location field)
8) make datasetGPolygonOuterRing be sequence of 3 or more points (rather than
the current one point -- I can't remember why we didn't choose to go with 4
based on peter's explanation of ring closure
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones almost 23 years ago
Forgot one:
9) Revise and complete documentation for all elements, especially for NBII/FGDC
Updated by Chris Jones almost 23 years ago
Removed keywordTaxon element and its children, taxonomicThesuarus and
taxonomicKeywords for both the .xsd and .dtd files. Taxonomic keywords will now
be handled in the eml-resource document, and will be mapped to the NBII standard
via XSL stylesheets.
Updated by Chris Jones almost 23 years ago
Created the complexType 'Coverage', consisting of a choice of
'temporalCoverage', 'geographicCoverage', or ' taxonomicCoverage', each of which
are requiried if chosen. The type is repeatable. Also, spelled out each
coverage element to follow convention (rather than shortened ___Cov)
Updated by Chris Jones almost 23 years ago
Renamed elements in geologic time scale.
Made all four bounding box coordinates required, and explained the change in
thedocumentation to handle single point bounding areas.
Changed the content model to datasetGPolygonOuterRing to be a 3..n sequence.
This is a partial bug fix for bug 491: in that, structurally, the changes are
finished, but I still need to go through the documentation more closely.
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
Changes implemented. Need to review module for weird way in which citation is
imported after the beta9 release. Changing milestone.
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
Fixed citation imports so that they now use "cit"CitationType" instead of
incorrectly importing the "cit:citation" element. All coverage changes are in
CVS, so closing this bug. RESOLVED FIXED.