Bug #4956
closedmake sure matlab works with installed version of kepler 2.0
need to get matlab demo workflows working.
Related issues
Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 15 years ago
Daniel and I are updating ptmatlab.cc to make it work with Mac 64 bit. It will be done in one or two days. We will test it in Windows, Linux and Mac, 32 bit and 64 bit. After that, we should be able to get new matlab libraries.
Chad, do you want to wait a few days to test new libs after we get them?
Updated by Chad Berkley almost 15 years ago
Yeah, I'll wait for your changes. Let me know as soon as you get it working.
Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 15 years ago
Dan and I updated the ptmatlab.cc in ptolemy module, created the libs for Mac (32 and 64 bit), Windows (32 and 64 bit), Linux (32 bit). We also updated the Matlab demo workflow explaining how to use run it in 64 bit environment.
The libs for windows bit and 64 bit can not be merged like Mac. To use in windows 64, users have to rename lib ptmatlab64.dll to ptmatlab.dll bit by themselves.
All the changes have been checked into both 2.0 branch and trunk.
The only thing left is to generate lib for Linux 64 bit. It probably will get a separate lib like the one for windows 64 bit. We do not have Linux 64 bit installed, so we didn't do it.
Chad, you can go ahead to test these libs now.
Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 15 years ago
I made a wiki page (https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/matlab-lib-build-instructions-in-kepler-for-matlab-actor) at kepler web site about how to build Matlab libraries on their own environments.
Feel free to update it.
Updated by Daniel Crawl almost 15 years ago
works for me on 32 bit mac and windows with RC2
Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 15 years ago
works for me on 32 bit linux. closing the bug.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 15 years ago
This bug is closed, but I just thought I'd update the situation.
I was able to build a 32 bit ptmatlab.dll using Mingw.
I updated
with details.
I also created a Mingw zip file and added it to the ptII8.0 web page
I also updated the Ptolemy demos and the matlab.Expression actor with
better instructions.
I removed ptolemy/jni from the devel trunk and the 8.0 branch.
ptolemy/jni was only necessary because it had ptolemy/jni/launcher which
created an executable that would invoke Ptolemy via JNI. This was necessary
for running Java with JNI under Cygwin. It is no longer necessary, so
it is gone.
The one remaining issue in Ptolemy is to deal with 32 vs. 64 bit.
However, this can wait as I do not have access to a 64 bit machine.
Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 15 years ago
Hi Christopher, thanks a lot for your update.
I tried it on 64 bit mac and 64 bit windows. As I expected, it works on 64 bit mac, but not on 64 bit windows.
So I updated the wiki page https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/matlab-lib-build-instructions-in-kepler-for-matlab-actor/?searchterm=mingw trying to explain how to build lib for 64 bit windows. You can have a check.
One issue I met is the javah can not be set by ./configure on 64 bit windows, since we do not have mingw32-gcc in 64 bit windows. javah is required to generate ptmatlab.h. So I have to change configure.in a little bit to generate matlab lib. I attached the configure.in I modified, you can see the changes.
Updated by Christopher Brooks almost 15 years ago
Thanks, I merged in that updated version of configure.in and configure
into the trunk and the 8.0 release branch.
I'd like to fix this for 64-bit Windows, but I need a machine.
Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 15 years ago
thanks. Fixing this for 64-bit Windows needs to get mingwdl.sh script 64 bit windows and update configure.in. The work amount may be more than rebuilding matlab actor using JNA. :)