Bug #4963
openseems not to save the .xml file
After investing hours creating a new data package with 4 tables, it would be reassuring to actually have some verification that the EML doc (the .xml file) really was saved on the filesystem locally before quitting Morpho.
I did a File->Save...->Save Locally
and then neither the Mac's finder nor the underlying unix find can find any .xml file modified today, let alone one named what Im guessing Morpho named my package.
Is the name on the top bar, "Data Package: gastil_buhl.5.2" the name of the package, as in gastil_buhl.5.2.xml ?
If Morpho is not really saving the file, then this is a more severe bug. But I suspect it merely has it hidden or named something besides .xml
Also I tried saving to the network but the dialog box never seemed to complete its task. No error message came up but neither did it say ok or go away.
Also metacat says "the requested docid 'gastil_buhl.5' does not exist"