Bug #5326
closed2.2rc2 - upgrade config file bug workaround moves KeplerData/modules to KeplerData/modules.old instead of just configuration file dirs
The workflow-around for the configuration file bug is to move a user's existing KeplerData/modules to KeplerData/modules.old during the first launch of 2.2. However I think we should instead just do something along the lines of moving each module's configuration dir to a configuration.old. The issue is that more than just config files reside in KeplerData/modules. E.g. the coreDB and provenance databases.
Updated by David Welker almost 14 years ago
Users can just copy any databases they want to retain after an upgrade manually from modules.old to modules.
Updated by Matt Jones almost 14 years ago
Reopening for 2.2. When upgrading Kepler from 2.1 to 2.2rc3, I lost my provenance database, which seems to be related to this bug. Previous versions were able to upgrade/downgrade without losing the provenance db. As this bug seems like an easily-avoided side-effect of the configuration change, and therefore simple to fix (by not moving the whole directory in the first place, and rather just moving the configuration files), and because the provenance db is supposed to be permanent, it should be fixed for 2.2 and not leave users with missing data.