Bug #535
closedscreenshots and UML design for new UI
Need to develop a set of screenshots that prototype the new UI design and the
possible flows among the pages in order to decide how to best arrange things
before developing code for the system. This should include shots of the new
packe display window in its "spreadheet" format, plus screenshots of the new
File|Open dialog.
A flow diagram showing the allowable navigation paths through the application UI
would also be useful.
Need to develop a UML model that intelligently represents the desired UI
functionality before developing code to implement the new UI.
Related issues
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
Dan --
I saw the screen shots and your early prototype. They look good, but I think we
need to discuss as a group whether we are satisfied with the layout you propose.
Also, I didn't find the UML diagram detailing the design -- is it in CVS?
Updated by Dan Higgins over 22 years ago
Some screen shots and collaboration diagrams are in the morpho/docs/dev
directory. Additional documentation would probably be useful, but it seems
reasonable to defer since code for new UI has already been generated and is
being debugged for the 1.2 release.
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
Done for 1.2.0. Need to continue to add and update documentation for each
release, but closing this bug for now as the intial diagrams were created.