



Bug #5357


invocation problems with Distributed Composite Actor Options dialog

Added by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

distributed execution
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Sometimes the Distributed Composite Actor Options (DCAO) dialog doesn't come up when it should, and sometimes it appears when it shouldn't. Also, I'm not clear on if the text in the alert that appears when it refuses to come up (shown below) is correct.

In master-slave, drag out a DistributedCompositeActor.
If you right-click on the DistributedCompositeActor, and select Distribute this actor, you get an Alert:
'Distribute this actor' is not available for actors of type: org.kepler.distributed.DistributedCompositeActor. Only TypedCompositeActor and CompositeActor can be distributed
Yet if you double-click on it, you're able to bring up the DCAO dialog.

Also, if you drag out a CompositeActor, and double-click on it, you get the usual Edit Parameters dialog. If you right-click 'Distribute this actor', you get the DCAO dialog. A subsequent double-click on the actor and now instead of the Edit Parameters dialog, the DCAO dialog appears. A subsequent right-click 'Distribute this actor' and now you get the Alert message saying you can't.

Actions #1

Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 14 years ago

After explaining to Derik, he agreed the above behavior is correct. We also agreed that a visual indication of some sort, e.g. the icon, would go a long way towards making this more clear. So I change the importance of the bug to be 'enhancement'.

Actions #2

Updated by Derik Barseghian almost 14 years ago

One more ER - if the actor is already distributed, maybe the alert can say something like "this actor is already distributed" instead of saying: 'Distribute this actor' is not available for actors of type: org.kepler.distributed.DistributedCompositeActor.
Or simply disable (gray out) the menu option if that's easy.

Actions #3

Updated by jianwu jianwu almost 14 years ago

for quick improvement, dialogue messages are updated to be more clear at version 27366.

Actions #4

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 5357


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