



Bug #5409


reporting 2.1 can not start when setting "JDBC URL" in provenance.

Added by jianwu jianwu over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


After I set "JDBC URL" in provenance configuration file, Kepler can not start. The exception is the same with GUI or without GUI.

provenance configuration file:
<name>JDBC URL</name>

kepler:Kepler jianwu$ rm -rf ~/KeplerData/modules/
kepler:Kepler jianwu$ ./
setting dock icon to -Xdock:icon=/Applications/Kepler-2.0/
Set environment variable: PATH = /opt/subversion/bin:/Applications/MATLAB64/MATLAB_R2010a/
Set environment variable: R_HOME = /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources
[null] /Applications/Kepler-2.0/
[null] Checking for patches...
[null] reporting-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] workflow-run-manager-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] provenance-2.1.0 workflow dir already copied, no need to copy.
[null] tagging-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] kepler-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] outreach-2.1.0 workflow dir already copied, no need to copy.
[null] apple-extensions-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] r-2.1.0 workflow dir already copied, no need to copy.
[null] loader-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] actors-2.1.0 workflow dir already copied, no need to copy.
[null] directors-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] opendap-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] dataturbine-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] ecogrid-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] authentication-gui-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] module-manager-gui-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] gui-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] authentication-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] repository-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] job-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] io-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] ssh-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] data-handling-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] sms-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] component-library-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] util-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] event-state-2.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] core-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] common-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] module-manager-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] configuration-manager-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] kepler-tasks-2.1.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] ptolemy-8.0.0 workflow dir does not exist.
[null] Found OS Extension file: /Applications/Kepler-2.0/
[null] loading OS extensions for OS Mac OS X with class org.kepler.osx.KeplerOSXExtension
[null] Building Kars...
[null] Ran additional initialization for module gui from class org.kepler.module.gui.Initialize
[null] Ran additional initialization for module tagging from class org.kepler.module.tagging.Initialize
[null] Ran additional initialization for module provenance from class org.kepler.module.provenance.Initialize
[null] common tabpane configuration overridden by WRM
[null] class java.lang.NullPointerException: null
[null] java.lang.NullPointerException
[null] at org.kepler.util.sql.DatabaseType.tableExists(
[null] at org.kepler.util.sql.DatabaseType._getVersion(
[null] at org.kepler.util.sql.DatabaseType.getMajorVersion(
[null] at org.kepler.provenance.sql.Schemas.checkVersion(
[null] at org.kepler.provenance.sql.SQLQueryV8._init(
[null] at org.kepler.provenance.sql.SQLQueryV8.<init>(
[null] at org.kepler.workflowrunmanager.WorkflowRunManager.connect(
[null] at org.kepler.module.workflowrunmanager.Initialize.initializeModule(
[null] at org.kepler.Kepler._initializeModules(
[null] at org.kepler.Kepler.initialize(
[null] at org.kepler.Kepler.parseArgsAndRun(
[null] at org.kepler.Kepler.main(

Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Crawl over 13 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 5409


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