Bug #5437
closedprovenance hsqldb database doesn't behave as though it's properly shutdown when in server mode
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When using server-mode hsqldb provenance, kepler shutdown goes very fast, the .log file remains, and subsequent kepler startup takes a long time as the log file is processed. This is the opposite of the desired/expected behavior and how file-mode hsqldb works.
It seems like we're doing the right things for a proper shutdown to occur, and checking server.getState() in HSQL.shutdownServers() returns that all databases have been shutdown, yet the log file is supposed to be processed and removed if a proper SHUTDOWN occurs according to the 1.8 docs, and this is not happening.
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 12 years ago
This was occurring for all 3 databases in server mode, not just provenance.
Fixed by issuing sql SHUTDOWN instead of calling Server.shutdown().