Bug #545
openannotation capability for editing data
Currently a user can edit data in Morpho and save a new version of the dataset,
but there is no place to record the rationale for the changes. Need to add an
annotation facility so that a comment can be included with the metadata for each
data value that is changed. We might consider a pop-up window asking the user to
explain the change at the cell or record level.
This will need to be optional and probably will need to be turned off when users
are editing new data so that it isn't annoying to add new data values, although
there still may need to be a rationale for why new records are being added.
Related issues
Updated by Dan Higgins over 22 years ago
Is there a place in the eml metadata to store such information? If not, where
should it go?
Updated by Dan Higgins about 22 years ago
Postponing until the future because there is no place to store the annotation
data in eml beta 1.6 that is supported in Morpho 1.2