Bug #5509
closedHow do I run the demos
In Kepler-2.3 rc2, Help -> Kepler Documentation says
"Note that the demos are not included in the default developers build. To download the demos, run:
cd build-area
ant get -Dmodule=outreach"
I'm not running the devel version, this is the installer version.
How do I run the demos from an installed version?
Shouldn't the help page tell me how?
I'd like to have links to the demos.
This bug seems possibly important.
Updated by Christopher Brooks over 13 years ago
In a kepler-users post, Allen Hartley Hurlbert wrote:
"Yes, the demos run fine (although I'll note that finding the demo files took some work; the "getting-started-guide" specified the "demos/getting-started" directory and it would have been useful to know the more complete path: "Kepler-2.2/outreach-2.2.0/workflows/demos/getting-started")."
Updated by Ilkay Altintas over 12 years ago
Enable the demos to show up in the actor tree with their full version.
Module demos should also be displayed.
Updated by Daniel Crawl over 12 years ago
The Help -> Kepler Documentation links to the demos are working again.
The demos are now accessible in the actor tree. I've updated the getting started guide to describe opening them from the actor tree instead of navigating to their directory using the file dialog.