



Bug #5685


data isn't always chunked properly

Added by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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Jing ran the workflow in Windows XP today, and it produced at least one datapackage with data from different sampling rates. See:

Example change section from data from above link:

2012-08-16 22:18:14 13.28463459
2012-08-16 22:18:44 13.284519196
2012-08-16 22:19:14 13.284427643
2012-08-16 22:19:44 13.284352303
2012-08-16 22:20:19 13.284294128
2012-08-16 22:38:14 13.28584671
2012-08-16 22:38:15 13.28584671
2012-08-16 22:38:16 13.291329384

These were the results Jing got from the workflow for this particular sensor:

Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_Batt_Volt
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-16 00:10:09 ~ 2012-08-16 22:38:32
Number of Records: 2680
Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_Batt_Volt
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-16 22:38:34 ~ 2012-08-16 22:39:54
Number of Records: 75
Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_Batt_Volt
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-16 22:39:55 ~ 2012-08-17 22:37:21
Number of Records: 8186


rbnb_archive.tgz (184 KB) rbnb_archive.tgz Derik Barseghian, 08/24/2012 06:27 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

I thought about this some more last week, and remembered that I saw some errors when changing sensor sampling rates from my windows box to do w/ the metadata channels. (And I believe the site layout running on my other machine stopped when this happened). The sampling rate change took effect, but I suspect the metadata entries didn't make it through to DT when this happened. So my current thinking is the chunking problem isn't the archive workflow's fault, but an issue w/ metadata changes not always making it from the sensor actor into the DataTurbine metadata channel. I planned to dump the DT's metadata channel to verify, but unfortunately today when running the archival workflow for the first time against the DT with a week's worth of data in it, DT crashed.

I do have the DT archive though (attached), so I should be able to get it reloaded to verify in the future.

Actions #2

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

RBNB archive containing suspected missing metadata entries for various sampling rate changes. Get DT to load this, use the DatToDT script I wrote to dump the metadata channel, and compare entries with the data channel.

Actions #3

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

Doesn't look like trolling through the archive will be necessary. The same problem of a datapackage containing two data with two different sampling rates occurred tonight. I did not receive any errors when adjusting sensor sampling rates in Kepler. Here are the recents of the last archive workflow run:
Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_Batt_Volt
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-25 02:21:35 ~ 2012-08-25 02:48:58
Number of Records: 1641

Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_Batt_Volt
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-25 02:49:30 ~ 2012-08-25 07:50:36
Number of Records: 602

Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_sq311_1
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-25 02:21:34 ~ 2012-08-25 02:50:50
Number of Records: 826

Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_sq311_1
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-25 03:01:05 ~ 2012-08-25 07:41:06
Number of Records: 29

Sensor Name: gpp-data/CR800_sq311_2
Document URL:
Time Range: 2012-08-25 02:21:33 ~ 2012-08-25 07:50:36
Number of Records: 356

If you look at the raw data for sq311_2, you'll see data at 30s, and then an un-smooth change to 60s:
2012-08-25 02:47:33 0.67334365845
2012-08-25 02:48:03 0.67333245277
2012-08-25 02:48:33 0.67334610224
2012-08-25 02:50:30 0.67336404324
2012-08-25 02:51:35 0.67335760593
2012-08-25 02:52:35 0.67335271835

Below is the result of dumping the metadata channels from the DT. You can see CR800_sq311_2 does only have one metadata entry.
i:0 someData0:CR800_Batt_Volt altitude=0.000000,coefficients=,conversion-type=no conversion,daq-method=,isOn=true,latitude=34.412291,longitude=-119.842335,measurement-unit=Volts,sampleMethod=average,samples-per-measurement=1,samplingPeriod=1,sensor-make=Campbell Scientific,sensor-measurement=,sensor-model=,serial-number=
i:0 times0:1.345870971714E9
i:0 someData1:CR800_Batt_Volt altitude=0.000000,coefficients=,conversion-type=no conversion,daq-method=,isOn=true,latitude=34.412291,longitude=-119.842335,measurement-unit=Volts,sampleMethod=average,samples-per-measurement=1,samplingPeriod=30,sensor-make=Campbell Scientific,sensor-measurement=,sensor-model=,serial-number=
i:0 times1:1.345888139714E9
i:0 someData2:CR800_Batt_Volt altitude=0.000000,coefficients=,conversion-type=no conversion,daq-method=,isOn=true,latitude=34.412291,longitude=-119.842335,measurement-unit=Volts,sampleMethod=average,samples-per-measurement=1,samplingPeriod=30,sensor-make=Campbell Scientific,sensor-measurement=,sensor-model=,serial-number=
i:0 times2:1.345888200714E9
i:1 someData0:CR800_sq311_1 altitude=0.000000,coefficients=,conversion-type=no conversion,daq-method=,isOn=true,latitude=34.412291,longitude=-119.842335,measurement-unit=mV,sampleMethod=average,samples-per-measurement=1,samplingPeriod=2,sensor-make=Apogee Instruments,sensor-measurement=Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF),sensor-model=SQ-311 (sun),serial-number=1612
i:1 times0:1.345870973714E9
i:2 someData0:CR800_sq311_2 altitude=0.000000,coefficients=,conversion-type=no conversion,daq-method=,isOn=true,latitude=34.412291,longitude=-119.842335,measurement-unit=mV,sampleMethod=average,samples-per-measurement=1,samplingPeriod=30,sensor-make=Apogee Instruments,sensor-measurement=Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF),sensor-model=SQ-311 (sun),serial-number=1609
i:2 times0:1.345870973714E9

So at least we can rule out the archival workflow.

We should look at how the Sensor actor is inserting metadata entries to DT, if it can verify they get inserted, etc.

Actions #4

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

Sensor actor appears to be properly setting span metadata:
[run] SpanControl.setMetadataForSensor(Batt_Volt,CR800,samplingPeriod,10)
[run] SpanControl.setMetadataForSensor got result from _sendCommand:2012-08-25T09:37:39.714Z OK: Channel: CR800_Batt_Volt,measurement-period={10.000000}

Need to check that span is properly outputting these, and that they're then picked up by spanToDT.

Actions #5

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

(The above was an example of a metadata change that didn't make it through to DT.)

(In reply to comment #4)

Actions #6

Updated by Derik Barseghian over 12 years ago

Moving to 1.x.y target.

Actions #7

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 5685


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