Bug #5740
closedAdd MN selection to Morpho preferences screen
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For now we have a configured MN URL in the config.xml. This works, but does not tell use which environment the client or mN is part of.
We should also design the preferences to use:
-CN URL + MN reference (to determine the MN URL)
-MN URL alone
Related issues
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
I've now added a CN and a MN text field for collecting their respective baseURLs.
We should probably have a drop-down for selecting the MN node from those registered on the CN but still allow manual entry of a MN baseURL.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 12 years ago
We now show a dropdown of MNs with the ability to just type in your MN url if it is not yet registered with the CN.
If you change the CN URL, the list of MNs is refreshed.