Bug #6137
closedAdd a new action reindexall to reindex all the solr index
Currently we have an action named reindex. If the action has a parameter pid, it will reindex the solr index of the specified pids. If there is no pid, it will reindex all solr index.
Even though only the administrator has the privilege, it is still easy to reindex all solr index accidentally, which sometimes is very expensive. We should remove the "index all feature" from reindex and add a explicit action reindexall.
Updated by Matt Jones over 11 years ago
I think this would be redundant and it would be better to just leave it as is, and have administrators use care. They could just as easily call reindexall as reindex inadvertantly, so there would be minimal gain.
Updated by Jing Tao over 11 years ago
I read this message after i committed the change :)
I still think we should give an expensive process a dedicated action to avoid any accident.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0