Story #6148
closedCreate SNAP skin with support for working group filters
Updated by Matt Jones over 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Lauren Walker
- Target version set to 1.2.0
SNAP ( is a new NCEAS initiative that would like to use the KNB to manage its data. Data will be collated by working groups, and will initially be private to working group members. We need a metacatui theme for SNAP that is consistent with the SNAP web site, although it need not be identical. The theme should subset the data shown to only include SNAP-specific data sets, and this should be done via a hidden filter on all SOLR queries originating from the theme. In addition, each SNAP working group should be listed in the filter sidebar, and selecting that working group should apply another filter to subset the results to just that WG content.
Adding metadata elements to identify the data as part of SNAP should be done through the registry interface, and can be configured as part of the registry config in Metacat. Keywords to identify a data set with a WG should be applied by the individual WG members when creating metadata. In Morpho, we could supply them with a keyword thesuarus to choose from. In the Registry, we could use DOM manipulation to insert a dropdown choice for the working group and then add that choice as a keyword in the form data sent to register-dataset.cgi.
This work is largely manual, but should help us to conceive of the design for story #5984 for more generally handling theming and branding for working groups, lab groups, and organizations.
Updated by ben leinfelder over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed