Bug #6165
closedThe names of instances of the Stop actor do not display in Mac OSX.
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2.00 h
On Kepler-users, Kenneth Jones wrote:
The names of instances of the Stop actor do not display in Mac OSX. Let me know if you need more info.
Indeed, dragging in the Stop Actor results in icons without instance names
Updated by Christopher Brooks over 11 years ago
Edward wrote:
BTW, the reason for this is that the icon for the Stop actor in Ptolemy says it all.
Unfortunately, the icon in Kepler says nothing about what the actor does.
The constructor for the Stop actor includes this:
// Hide the name because the name is in the icon.
_hideName = new SingletonParameter(this, "_hideName");
I suggest that in the Kepler library, the Stop actor should include something like:
<property name="_hideName" value="false"/>
Updated by Daniel Crawl about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Derik Barseghian to Daniel Crawl
- Target version changed from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
The library metadata for Stop has been updated as Edward suggested.