Bug #644
closedMetaView Navigation and Entity/Attribute Links: top versus side display
1) The package level metadata view should not contain any links to
sub-Entity-level metadata (i.e. it should contain links to all the entities, but
not to their attributes or Physical data).
2) when user clicks one of the entity links, bottom tab should switch to that
entity, so the data is displayed in the dataview, and its entity metadata is
displayed in the right-hand metaviewer. The top (package level) metaviewer
should not change.
3) As a consequence of this scheme, the Entity metadata shown in the right-hand
metaviewer should have links to the Physical metadata for this entity (which
would also show up in the right metaview), and to all the attributes in this entity.
4) Also, the triples relationships need to be more explicit than the older "is
related to", in order to allow us to determine which links to show and which to
suppress in the package-level (top) metaviewer
5) Finally, these links that are shown in the package-level metaviewer should
ultimately show up in a top-level menubar menu, so the user can navigate to them
without using the links
Updated by Saurabh Garg almost 21 years ago
1) has been fixed. 2-5 is no longer relevant.