Bug #647
closedfix access control triples in nrs and obfs packages
Some current packages fail to provide a triple link for the access control
document itself, so nobody but the owner has access to that document. Need to
add this and check that the load-dataset.cgi script is creating it properly.
Updated by Jing Tao over 22 years ago
Matt added code in load-dataset.cgi and fixed the bug.
I tested in dev and new cgi will added a triple that access file points
itself. But metacat will added a records to xml_access table for access file
too, so it created duplicated records in xml_access table for access file
itself. I modified the code in Metacat (DBSAXHandler and
AccessControlList.java ) and fixed it. Moreover,it still can handle the
package without triple that access file points itself.
So we should install the new version of Metacat and new CGI in same time.
Otherwise, maybe duplicate records will be created into xml_access table.
Updated by Jing Tao about 22 years ago
Bug is fixed. Now Metacat will add records to xml_access table only depend on
access file and triples.