Bug #660
openChange file/directory chooser action for "Export"
Currently, the user is asked to select a directory where an 'Exported' package
is to be saved. The file chooser dialog for selecting a 'directory' is somewhat
confusing since few applications require the selection of a directory (instead
of a file) and, on the Mac one actually has to type in a directory name.
(probably a bug in the JVM).
Recommend a change where the user is presented with a default file name for the
'metadata.html' file in an ordinary 'file chooser' (not a directory chooser).
User can then select the directory for the file or change its name using normal
file saveing procedure. This 'index' file is then saved along with accompaning
directories just as is currently done.
Updated by Matt Jones over 22 years ago
How would this work for zip exports? wouldn't we allow them to name the zip
file rather than the html file? I think this should be very low priority -- it
works for now. Changing to Postpone.