Feature #6641
openadd additional stats to #profile page
DataONE needs to report on a set of standardized statistics on a quarterly basis. It would be good to modify the display in the /#profile page to show all of the statistics needed, as well as to provide the most recent quarterly summaries in a table. Below are the set of needed stats:
- Data Downloads
- Data Uploads
- Number of data files available
- Total size of data files available
- Number of metadata files available
- Total size of metadata files available
- Number of Member Nodes
Many of these could be added to the existing graphs. I think it would also be useful to provide a table showing all of these statistics for the most recently completed quarter. Maybe more, let's discuss.
Dave shows how to calculate these stats via SOLR queries here:
We also have to report on these, but they probably should come from another source:
- Number of tools in Investigator Toolkit
- Number of publications
- Uptime of CNs
Dave has a system that distinguishes all read events from reads from non-CN sources. See https://monitor.dataone.org/_production_history/log_history.html
We may want our statistics to also filter out CN reads, as well as other robots.
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Got a request from Amber today to add to our wishlist:
- Percentages in donut charts where file formats are
- Histogram of file sizes