Task #6653
- Subject changed from Show the citation of the dataset when the provenance chart nodes are moused over to Show the citation and relevant provenance of the dataset when the provenance chart nodes are moused over
Need to display the provenance too...
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
The citation now displays in the popover. Provenance statements next...
- Status changed from New to Resolved
The ProvStatementView will now create a list of statements/sentences that describe the relevant prov trace in plain-English form. Some more thorough testing will need to be done once we have some more complete indexed test data.
the ProvStatementView and ProvCharts will be more helpful if there the prov_instanceOfClass is populated with the appropriate class, such as p1:Program. Otherwise, every entity in the prov trace is just called "data" and is represented by the data-table icon.
The IDs are used as the object names until the names/titles are indexed (see #6605)
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