Support #6793
openUpdate DOIs from KNB to redirect to view service
In #6530 and #6440, we added features to update DOI registrations, but we still have many originally assigned DOIs that redirect to the raw EML document rather than our landing page for a data set. We need to fix all of the /AA/ DOI registrations in the KNB and ensure they point to the right View service page. For DOIs for metadata, that would be the associated /view url for that DOI. For data files and resource maps, its to the view for the associated metadata. E.g.,
- Metadata doi:10.5063/AA/nceas.227.15 should redirect to
- Data doi:10.5063/AA/wtyburczy.30.1 should redirect to the same metadata file
Also, when a user updates metadata for a package (but doesn't change the data), the DOI redirect for the data will need to be updated to point to the new metadata. Let's verify that this is happening automatically in Metacat.
Related issues
Updated by Lauren Walker over 9 years ago
MetacatUI 1.7.0 will redirect to the associated metadata view for any given data pid. So managing the EZID registrations for those DOI's, at least, is unnecessary.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Megan Force at Thompson Reuters is reporting our old DOIs still point to XML representations of the metadata rather than the #view landing page.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
I was able to use our Metacat admin tool to update an example DOI - doi:10.5063/AA/dpennington.338.2 now points to the #view page.
Running the update routine for all EML format ids now.
Updated by ben leinfelder about 9 years ago
Ran the DOI updater for EML 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, and 2.1.1 formats. All EML DOIs should be resolving to the #view endpoint now.