Bug #709
closedEnter EcoArt 2.96
Verify that june 2002 version uploaded
Related issues
Updated by Michael Lee over 22 years ago
At one point in time, VegBank community module was loaded with an version of
EcoArt's community concepts. It was not known which version of EcoArt was
loaded. If VegBank still has commnuities loaded, we need to confirm which
version was loaded. If this is unknown or difficult to determine, then it is
probably easier to reload a new version, as per bug 706, with the new db
So this is not a critical bug, but it must be completed if we retain the version
of the communities in VegBank. If there are no communities in VegBank or we
delete them and load a new version, this bug can be considered resolved.
Updated by John Harris about 22 years ago
After the modifications of the community database (bug 708) the ecoart database
will have to be reloaded -- all levels of the framework.
Updated by John Harris about 22 years ago
- Bug 706 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated by Gabriel Farrell about 22 years ago
bug965 has some questions arising out of this but vegbank has been loaded with
EcoArt 2.96
Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago
changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.