



Bug #794


Evaluate viewing forms and input forms for VegBank Metadata

Added by Michael Lee over 22 years ago. Updated about 20 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


RP reviews

Related issues

Blocked by VegBank - Bug #813: [916] Methods :Stratum method:connect and implement formResolvedGabriel Farrell11/13/2002

Blocks VegBank - Bug #1220: Need systematic approach to viewing all data in databaseResolvedP. Anderson11/21/2003

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Lee about 22 years ago

This is a more commonly used bit of data that users will want to add outside of
a plot. Also somewhat simple in implementation -- simple form linked to one or
two tables. (A bit more for community -- but this functionality is quite
central to what we're working on.)

Actions #2

Updated by Robert Peet almost 22 years ago

I assume this bug is to review a form for entry of stratum method. Michael
is working on this form. I reassign this bug to him in as much as I do not
know the bug number for that task, or else I would enter the dependency
above. He can pass it back to me after adding the dependency, or finishing
the form and making reference to it in these notes.

We also need to prepopulate this with a few common methods from the ESA
stadards document, NPS PLots and TurboVeg. Perhaps that is a separate bug. I
send this to Don with the hope that he can provide the initial population of
the table to add Michael.

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

current form development from MTL can be viewed at:

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

Bob, please take a look at the forms on my tekka site as listed in the comment
above. If you have edits or suggestions, you could make those to me, especially
if major and I will redo the form, or make smaller suggestions to Gabe as he
will be implementing the form soon.

Actions #5

Updated by Robert Peet almost 22 years ago

I am ready to sign off on this bug as soon as Michale attends to the
following. No need to pass it back to me.

1) Once we start accumulating a lot of references, and there will be
thousands very quickly, it will be hard to find a reference via the pulldown.
We need an option to search for a reference.

2) Don’t forget to prepopulate this using the methods used in NPS-Plots,
TurboVeg and NCVS

3) For form to view extant stratum methods we probably ought to provide
as default a view that simply lists the name, description, & reference, with
an option to click to see details. Else wise this will be cumbersome once we
start accumulating a lot of methods.

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Lee almost 22 years ago

Answering Bob's 3 points:
1) Once we start accumulating a lot of references, and there will be
thousands very quickly, it will be hard to find a reference via the pulldown.
We need an option to search for a reference.
*MTL I think this should wait until version 1.1 as it is complex and we
shouldn't rush optimization. Get the simpler form out first and then add these
other ways of working. We plan on upgrading to a systematic way of dealing
exchanging data between web forms and databases. This may make this much easier.

2) Don’t forget to prepopulate this using the methods used in NPS-Plots,
TurboVeg and NCVS
This is a separate issue, but a very valid one. See bug 1077 for more on that.

3) For form to view extant stratum methods we probably ought to provide
as default a view that simply lists the name, description, & reference, with
an option to click to see details. Else wise this will be cumbersome once we
start accumulating a lot of methods. is the
shorter form. Again, we may want to wait a bit before implementing this, as it
isn't truly necessary, but is a nice optimization that is convenient for users.

Actions #7

Updated by Gabriel Farrell over 21 years ago

The work Mike is doing on the display will allow this bug to be closed so

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago

Once these forms have been reviewed, this bug can be closed. This will now
serve as the bug to evaluate all forms that are linked to from the following pages: has a link that
shows stratumMEthods (summary and details) has a link that allows one
to add new ones

Actions #9

Updated by Michael Lee over 21 years ago

evaulation should be on overall approach for viewing data and the collection of
forms that will then be available.

Actions #10

Updated by Michael Lee over 20 years ago

they are spectacular!! New views are excellent.

Actions #11

Updated by Michael Lee about 20 years ago

changed from components that are to be deleted to "misc" so that bugs don't get
deleted with component. Sorry for all the email.

Actions #12

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 12 years ago

Original Bugzilla ID was 794


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