



From 05/16/2009 to 06/14/2009


08:26 AM Bug #4146 (New): Allow for multiple responses (check all that apply) for MultipleChoiceResponseItem
In MultipleChoiceResponseItem.generateXML, there is a possibility of allowing multiple responses. However, the code ... Ryan McFall


07:38 PM Bug #4145 (Resolved): Mouse cusor moves up to other question B when user try to add image into question A. and it won't allow scroll down the window.
this thing happens on the verson of morphus that Ryan made last time.
whenever i try to add iamge in to question,...
Jay Lee


10:00 AM Bug #4127 (Resolved): When image is added question, the mouse cursor moves to other question
Finl Exam Fall 2002
Image drop function is not working properly for question 81,82,83, and 84, when I tried to add...
Jay Lee


11:51 AM Bug #3522: Allow specification of points possible for each question during data upload
Both points possible and score should be floating point values, in my opinion. I don't think I'm doing anything to d... Ryan McFall
11:45 AM Bug #3522: Allow specification of points possible for each question during data upload
added the "points" possible column to the datatable definition.
NOTE: it is defined as a float with precision of 0.1 ...
ben leinfelder


01:55 PM Bug #3522: Allow specification of points possible for each question during data upload
At this point (data import) we will have one question (IQuestion) for every response item (even in the case when ther... ben leinfelder
10:26 AM Bug #3522: Allow specification of points possible for each question during data upload
The GUI for doing this is complete for the prototype. In the interests of time, I didn't write the interface to allo... Ryan McFall


12:11 PM Bug #4110 (Resolved): Next button not enabled correctly when going back to IdentifyStudentColumn
If you set the identifier column, and then click next, the correct column will be shown, but next will not be enabled. Ryan McFall
11:59 AM Bug #3658: Need to be able to save during parsing process
Ben and I talked about this, and we think it's doable. Here are my notes from what we talked about, mostly for my be... Ryan McFall
10:10 AM Bug #3658: Need to be able to save during parsing process
I think this is doable, but I'm not sure if it's exactly what we want every time there is a request to "Edit" the ass... ben leinfelder
07:33 AM Bug #3658: Need to be able to save during parsing process
Another issue that complicates this process is that Sandeep is now adding page number and possibly bounding box infor... Ryan McFall


12:30 PM Bug #3658: Need to be able to save during parsing process
At first I thought java serialization was needed for this. Then I realized that we already have a serialization mech... Ryan McFall
12:15 PM Bug #3455: Show non-active data types in LabelDataColumns in a different color than the current data type
This may not be a big deal, and implementation is somewhat problematic. Right now, LabelDataColumns uses an instance... Ryan McFall


10:49 AM Bug #3446: NullPointerException on previous from ReviewColumnAssignments
Fixed by checking value of DO_FILE_UPLOAD in Controller.previousPanel and going back to CheckForFileUpload if this va... Ryan McFall


06:42 PM Bug #3733: Assigning response columns incorrectly checks for numeric data
Added check to make sure that this page was on the Scores field before making this check; it now doesn't occur for ot... Ryan McFall
05:40 PM Bug #3749: Putting question into edit mode probably shouldn't be undoable action
This does not seem to be happening anymore Ryan McFall


12:17 PM Bug #3989: Garbled text in questions and missing choices!
The garbled text output seems to be a result of a faulty input file and not due to any faulty code. Here are the reas... Sandeep Namilikonda

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