



From 08/20/2008 to 09/18/2008


11:01 AM Bug #3483: case sensitive Leopard install fails
Thanks for the report and additional detail. Could you attach the console log that led you to conclude that case sen... Matt Jones
10:18 AM Bug #3483 (Resolved): case sensitive Leopard install fails
Looks like the installer assumes a case insensitive file system on Mac OS X. Leopard now offers a true case sensitiv... Srinath Vadlamani


06:51 PM Bug #3116: Web page rendering needs to be made w3c compliant
disregard comment #2 - intended for a different bug. ben leinfelder
06:50 PM Bug #3116: Web page rendering needs to be made w3c compliant
one more thing - the "old" way of doing the maps won't work now when running from metacat's trunk ben leinfelder

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