



From 10/22/2013 to 11/20/2013


07:10 PM Bug #6233 (Resolved): DirectoryListing NPE
Looks good. Thanks, Christopher. Daniel Crawl
06:23 PM Bug #6233: DirectoryListing NPE
The RecursiveFilter class is a combination of two separate classes.
I think I have this fixed, please take a look.
Christopher Brooks
06:03 PM Bug #6233: DirectoryListing NPE
The NPE is gone, but an empty pattern should match everything instead of generating an exception:
/** If non-e...
Daniel Crawl
05:42 PM Bug #6233: DirectoryListing NPE
I fixed this in ptII r 67905 and updated kepler/ptolemy/module-info/revision.txt.
Daniel, could you review this an...
Christopher Brooks
05:22 PM Bug #6233 (Resolved): DirectoryListing NPE
The DirectoryListing actor has an NPE:
at ptolemy.util.RecursiveFileFilter.accept...
Daniel Crawl


02:19 PM Bug #6000 (Closed): parameter copy-paste exception on console.
Fixed in ptII r67879. Christopher Brooks


10:40 AM Bug #6000: parameter copy-paste exception on console.
Edward fixed an issue with copy and paste, but the problem persists.
I updated the output so that it indicates tha...
Christopher Brooks


05:03 PM Bug #6175 (New): GenericJobSubmission actor sometimes runs job without completing data transfer.
A Kepler user at UCSD found that the GenericJobSubmission actor in her workflow started job submission when only part... jianwu jianwu


06:08 PM Bug #6167: Model Context Menu should have the enableBackwardTypeInference choice
Actually, what is missing is that right clicking should bring up the context menu that allows the user to set the top... Christopher Brooks
06:07 PM Bug #6167 (New): Model Context Menu should have the enableBackwardTypeInference choice
Ptolemy II now supports backward type inference. The way this is enabled is that the top level container has a param... Christopher Brooks

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