From 06/18/2000 to 07/17/2000
- 07:04 PM Revision 281 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 06:48 PM Revision 280 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:48 PM Revision 279 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:31 PM Revision 278 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 02:02 PM Revision 277 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 01:48 PM Revision 276 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 11:22 AM Revision 275 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 11:21 AM Revision 274 (metacat): no message
- 11:17 AM Revision 273 (metacat): *** empty log message ***
- 03:28 PM Revision 257 (metacat): minor efficiency improvement
- 03:16 PM Revision 256 (metacat): minor property change
- 03:14 PM Revision 255 (metacat): removed catalog jar file because not needed because source code is in src dir so is included as part of metacat.jar
- 02:54 PM Revision 254 (metacat): updated ant build.xml file for efficiency
- 06:09 PM Revision 253 (metacat):
- 04:53 PM Revision 252 (metacat): finished user auth & session tracking
- 04:42 PM Revision 251 (metacat): finished user auth & session tracking
- 12:05 PM Revision 249 (metacat): hidden form item "action" is not needed
- 11:20 AM Revision 248 (metacat): session expiration message page
- it has a link that should go to new login page.
- 10:59 AM Revision 247 (metacat): session expiration message page shown when
- session expire or session has not been stored
between different user requests.
- 06:19 PM Bug #35 (Resolved): SRB RMI server doesn't authenticate after first connection
- After the initial connection is made to the SRB server using the SRB RMI server,
subsequent attempts to connect are ... - 06:09 PM Bug #16: validation engine uses OASIS XML Catalog
- Fixed DBValidate validation engine so that it now uses DBEntityResolver to
resolve system IDs for DTD locations when ... - 05:52 PM Revision 245 (metacat): changed char stream to byte stream
- 04:27 PM Revision 243 (metacat): Fixed bug in DBEntityResolver so that it now properly delegates to
- the system id found inthe database.
Changed DBValidate to use DBEntityResolver, rather than the OASIS
catalog, and to... - 02:03 PM Revision 237 (metacat): testing login
- 01:05 PM Revision 234 (metacat): testing login
- 12:08 PM Revision 233 (metacat): testing login
- 11:42 AM Revision 232 (metacat): testing login
- 10:54 AM Revision 231 (metacat): testing login
- 10:45 AM Revision 230 (metacat): testing login
- 10:40 AM Revision 229 (metacat): testing login
- 10:28 AM Revision 228 (metacat): testing login
- 10:03 AM Revision 227 (metacat): testing login
- 09:50 AM Revision 226 (metacat): testing login
- 09:37 AM Revision 225 (metacat): testing login
- 04:47 PM Revision 224 (metacat): testing login
- 04:19 PM Revision 223 (metacat): testing
- 02:33 PM Revision 222 (metacat): testing
- 01:17 PM Revision 221 (metacat): testing
- 08:26 PM Bug #34: text matches in query algorithm don't span TEXT nodes
- Because it is improbable, will require major query algorithm changes to fix it,
and will have minor impact when encou... - 08:23 PM Bug #34 (Resolved): text matches in query algorithm don't span TEXT nodes
- When text sequences formthe document exceed the max field length of the database
filed (4000 characters for Oracle),... - 08:18 PM Bug #14: metacat TEXT nodes limited to 4K characters
- Fixed bug where TEXT nodes couldn't be longer than 4000 characters, which is the
maximum length of a VARCHAR2 field i... - 08:14 PM Revision 220 (metacat): Fixed bug where TEXT nodes couldn't be longer than 4000 characters, which
- is the maximum length of a VARCHAR2 field in Oracle. Now, if text
exceeds the field length, I break the text up into... - 07:40 PM Bug #27: DBReader doesn't recreate COMMENTS and PIs when reading a doc
- Added two new classes (CommentNode and PINode) to allow DBReader to output
COMMENTs and PIs when reading a document. ... - 07:36 PM Revision 219 (metacat): Added feature to now ouput COMMENTs and PIs when the document is
- read from the database with DBReader.
- 07:30 PM Revision 218 (metacat): updated build file jar references
- 07:23 PM Revision 217 (metacat): fixed html file parameters
- 06:25 PM Bug #33 (Resolved): problems with replicating of DTDs, because of PUBLIC IDs
- Clients submitting documents with new, unknown doctypes can provide a reference
or an internal subset for a DTD, whi... - 05:47 PM Revision 216 (metacat): removed jar file because it is too dynamic
- 05:00 PM Revision 215 (metacat): changed to
- response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectUrl("/xmltodb/lib/index.html"));
- 04:58 PM Revision 214 (metacat): binary additions for srb RMI client
- 04:53 PM Revision 213 (metacat): Added srbrmi classes for authentication support
- 03:43 PM Revision 212 (metacat): changed to use username/password entered on login
- 03:36 PM Revision 211 (metacat): needed right <FORM ACTION="" ...> value
- 02:25 PM Revision 210 (metacat): changes releted to login and session tracking
- 02:24 PM Revision 209 (metacat): New- class that encapsulates session creation and user authentication
- 02:23 PM Revision 208 (metacat): New- login page
- 01:49 PM Revision 207 (metacat): added new javadoc documentation for new classes
- 10:15 PM Bug #24: MetaCatServlet should provide 2 more input parameters to DBWriter: accession# and action
- Parameters added and they test out correctly now.
- 03:44 AM Bug #24: MetaCatServlet should provide 2 more input parameters to DBWriter: accession# and action
- Will complete testing and bugfixes for bug # 13 and bug # 24
- 03:42 AM Bug #24: MetaCatServlet should provide 2 more input parameters to DBWriter: accession# and action
- Parameters have been added to MetaCatServlet and command line tools to
accomodate the new UPDATE and DELETE functions... - 10:05 PM Bug #13: metacat doesn't allow updates or deletes
- Fixed errors with Update and Delete functions. Tested out fine under a variety
of error conditions. - 03:43 AM Bug #13: metacat doesn't allow updates or deletes
- Will complete testing and bugfixes for bug # 13 and bug # 24
- 03:40 AM Bug #13: metacat doesn't allow updates or deletes
- Created basic update and delete functionality. Substantial changes to all
classes, but focused on DBWriter and MetaC... - 09:50 PM Revision 205 (metacat): Updated javadoc documentation.
- 09:31 PM Revision 204 (metacat): Fixed bugs associated with the new UPDATE and DELETE functions of
- DBWriter. There were problematic interactions between some static
variables used in DBEntityResolver and the way in ... - 03:35 AM Revision 203 (metacat): Merged in substantial changes to DBWriter and associated classes and to
- the MetaCatServlet in order to accomodate the new UPDATE and DELETE
functions. The command line tools and the parame...
- 04:26 PM Bug #25: nodeid should be generated in safe manner
Used different approach:
When next node is to be inserted into xml_nodes table, get a next # from
sequence up in... - 04:24 PM Bug #17: DBWriter uses multiple transactions to load document
DB connection for DBWriter is changed to be in no auto commit mode.
It is commited on success and rollback when ... - 12:39 PM Bug #31: need dataset id reference from metadata
- increasing priority because this affects the most basic levels of functionality
of the client. - 12:38 PM Bug #30: get dataguide function needed by client
- lowering priority because this is a search feature that requires the user to
understand complex queries and something... - 12:29 PM Bug #15: metacat depends on Oracle parser, should be SAX
- All of the metacat classes use the SAX2 API now for loading and parsing XML
documents. The specific parser is dynami... - 12:09 PM Revision 186 (metacat): Fixed bug in DBWriter using the new SAX2 interface. Turned out it was a bug in xerces-1_1_1, which was fixed by Andy Clark after I reported it.
- 11:10 AM Bug #23: creating shared pool of connections in metacat servlet
- This idea should be generalized to include a shared pool of connections for most
of the important objects like Connec...
- 07:20 PM Revision 185 (metacat): 1) Simplified database connection creation by adding new utility routine in MetaCatUtil that reads configuration information from the properties file.
- 2) Created MetaCatUtil.getOption() to retrieve options from properties file.
3) Unified SAX Parser creation by specif... - 11:40 AM Bug #31 (Resolved): need dataset id reference from metadata
- Need update to relations tag in order to obtain data id from metadata
- 11:38 AM Bug #30 (Resolved): get dataguide function needed by client
- The client needs to be able to ask the server for a LORE style dataguide for
each of the doctypes handled by the ser... - 11:36 AM Bug #29 (Resolved): Download DTDs/Schemas for client
- The client needs to be able to get a list of doctypes from the server in order
to show the list of possible search t...
- 07:57 PM Revision 184 (metacat): cleaned up code for getting options from the properties file, made the database connection inthe MetaCatUtil class use the properties file for the conneciton info
- 06:58 PM Bug #28 (Resolved): need doctype backtracing/linking feature as part of doctype filter
- When a user specifies a return type for document types, only those document
types specified are returned. There sho... - 06:54 PM Bug #22: content negotiation for doctypes needed
- Both DBSimpleQuery and, more relevant, DBQuery support specification of the
document type that should be returned as ... - 06:49 PM Bug #24: MetaCatServlet should provide 2 more input parameters to DBWriter: accession# and action
- this bug is only relevant if the update and delete functions are completed
first. - 05:37 PM Revision 183 (metacat): updated javadoc documentation
- 05:23 PM Revision 182 (metacat): updated javadoc documentation
- 05:14 PM Revision 181 (metacat): integrated new structured query facility (DBQuery) into the servlet demo (MetaCatServlet)
- 03:45 PM Revision 180 (metacat): removed debugging code
- 03:37 PM Revision 179 (metacat): fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that does UNION or INTERSECT set operations for query group combinations
- 03:31 PM Revision 178 (metacat): fixed QuerySpecification to produce SQL that does UNION or INTERSECT set operations for query group combinations
- 06:42 PM Revision 177 (metacat): finsihed basic functionality for structured queries based on the DBQuery and QuerySpecification classes
- 05:53 PM Bug #27 (Resolved): DBReader doesn't recreate COMMENTS and PIs when reading a doc
- DBReader only looks at the ELEMENT, ATTRIBUTE, and TEXT nodes when reading a
document from the database. It needs t... - 05:44 PM Revision 176 (metacat): added code to build an index of the paths through the DOM tree to each node in the tree as the node is being inserted
- 04:20 PM Bug #26: need to add NOT operator to pathquery.dtd
- will do.
- 04:19 PM Bug #26 (Resolved): need to add NOT operator to pathquery.dtd
- The query description supported by pathquery.dtd does not currently support the
"NOT' boolean operator, which should... - 02:50 PM Bug #25: nodeid should be generated in safe manner
Used different approach:
When next node to be inserted into xml_nodes table, get a next # from
sequence up in th... - 10:44 AM Bug #25 (Resolved): nodeid should be generated in safe manner
- We're going to use sequence and db trigger before insert for nodeid generation,
because it is the fastest way.
But ... - 02:24 PM Revision 175 (metacat): db trigger xml_nodes_before_insert no longer in use
- 02:15 PM Revision 174 (metacat): for safe nodeid generation
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