From 08/04/2000 to 09/02/2000
- 05:40 PM Bug #109: query speed slows as database grows
- Reassigned to berkley.
- 05:37 PM Revision 431 (metacat): Modified MetaCatServlet to use the new DocumentImpl.toXml() method for
- efficiency of reading documents. See bugzilla bug #111 for an explanation.
- 05:24 PM Revision 430 (metacat): Updated the test.xml file to use more XML features for testing insert,
- update, and read functions of DocumentImpl. Now the document contains
comments and processing instructions. - 05:16 PM Bug #111: reading large documents from metacat is slow
- Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) so that reading documents is
no longer a power function of the number ... - 05:14 PM Revision 429 (metacat): Fixed document reading bug (bugzilla bug #111) so that reading documents
- is no longer a power function of the number of nodes in the document
(which used to be the case). Now, reading a doc... - 01:47 PM Revision 428 (metacat): change the 2 executions in archiveDocRevision()
- with 1 statement:
"insert into xml_revisions
select ... from xml_documents where docid = ..." - 12:04 PM Revision 427 (metacat): small changes on hasWritePermission()
- 05:08 PM Revision 426 (metacat): get rid of the FK in xml_acess table that points to xm_documents.docid
- since xml_access.docid(s) point to current and revised documents
(ie xml_documents.docid and xml_revisions.docid) - 05:01 PM Revision 425 (metacat): storing user_owner and user_updated where needed
- new function in DocumentImpl checking for "write" perm on UPDATE or DELETE
added delete from xml_index of the old ver... - 02:43 PM Revision 424 (metacat): this file is no longer used.
- 02:24 PM Bug #55: change order of fields
- The order was changed
- 02:23 PM Bug #54: title and altitle fields are too small
- Changed the size of the fields to 30 characters.
- 02:23 PM Bug #53: Interface does not look good in 800x600
- Changed the interface to work better with lower resolutions. Fonts were made
smaller and buttons and text boxes were... - 02:20 PM Revision 423 (metacat): changed xslf for new returnfield scheme. the returnfields are now returned as <param name="<returnfield>"> tags.
- hThe sql for the returnfield query was redone to fix a previous problem with slow queries
- 02:18 PM Revision 422 (metacat): changed xslf for new resultfield scheme
- 01:04 PM Bug #111 (Resolved): reading large documents from metacat is slow
- Reading documents from metacat seems to scale with document size, and gets to be
extremely slow for even medium size... - 12:58 PM Bug #110 (Resolved): foreign keys to xml_catalog
- The current uses of public identifiers in the xml_documents and xml_revisions
tables do not explicity reference xml_...
- 11:36 AM Bug #109 (Resolved): query speed slows as database grows
- As the database grows in size, the speed at which a query result is returned
becomes greater. The database size to ... - 11:19 AM Revision 421 (metacat): cleared static methods in AccessionNumber classes for fixing bug found
- when multiple requests to the servlet at a time.
- 01:58 PM Revision 420 (metacat): changed paths in returnfield parameters
- 11:01 AM Revision 419 (metacat): added alt tags
- 11:01 AM Revision 418 (metacat): added alt tag
- 11:00 AM Revision 417 (metacat): new graphics and their adobe illustrator vector files
- 10:58 AM Revision 416 (metacat): changed colors and layout
- 01:28 PM Revision 415 (metacat): Minor update to remove unneeded constructor in DocumentImpl class.
- 11:38 AM Revision 414 (metacat): new table xml_access and new attrs to xml_documents for ACL
- 04:18 PM Revision 413 (metacat): for getDoctypes() added
- WHERE entry_type='DTD' condition in the select statement
- 01:56 PM Revision 412 (metacat): fixed typ-o
- 01:49 PM Revision 411 (metacat): Changes with Srb authentication: including quering of Srb/MCAT during the Srb connection for:
- - groupname of connected user
- list of groups and users in MCAT for ACL function for MetaCat - 01:17 PM Revision 410 (metacat): update of build.xml based on Matt's recommendations
- 11:59 AM Revision 409 (metacat): added an @image-path@ property to get around the messed up images when loading images from tomcat. To add your own image directory,
- create a directory under /opt/httpd/html/img/ and add the path to the image-path property in build.xml. Then all img...
- 06:28 PM Revision 408 (metacat): Continued code redesign for the DocumentImpl class. Now the "delete" and
- "write" methods are static, so a DocumentImpl objject need not be created
in order to initiate a INSERT, UPDATE, or D... - 04:47 PM Revision 407 (metacat): Folded the functionality from DBWriter into DocumentImpl, continuing the
- work started earlir to create a more DOM-like model for the classes, in
which a single DocumentImpl class handles bot... - 10:27 AM Bug #101 (Resolved): generate data set usage metadata/ provide access log
- Tracking data set usage is an important part of running a metadata and data
archive. We need a new feature in the m... - 08:57 AM Revision 406 (metacat): removed extraneous dash (-) from output loop that was entered unintentionallyi
- 04:08 PM Bug #59: create a more general specification for queries
- First of all, I changed pathquery.dtd to allow for {0..N} <returnfield>
tags. The content of each field should be ei... - 03:55 PM Revision 405 (metacat): changed the field names to be case-sensitive in the returnfields
- 03:54 PM Revision 404 (metacat): changed the field names to be case-sensitive
- 03:22 PM Bug #100 (Resolved): add viewabstract action to metacatServlet
- an action to view the abstract of a metadata file needs to be added to
metacatServlet. - 03:21 PM Bug #99 (Resolved): add getDocumentAction to marineServlet
- the action to look at a metadata file in html form should be added to
marineServlet. - 03:21 PM Bug #98 (Resolved): add download action to marineservlet
- An action to download a dataset from the DB needs to be added to marineServlet
- 03:18 PM Bug #97 (Resolved): combine printExtendedSQL and printSQL methods into one
- The printExtendedSQL and printSQL methods of QuerySpecification can be combined
into one method that works like prin... - 03:15 PM Bug #96 (Resolved): Fix browse function in MARINE servlet
- The browse function in marineServlet needs to be implemented in a way that
allows the browsing by different fields. ... - 02:33 PM Bug #28: need doctype backtracing/linking feature as part of doctype filter
- reassigned to berkley
- 10:43 AM Bug #28: need doctype backtracing/linking feature as part of doctype filter
- This feature depends on us resolving the linking feature described in bug #31
that allows us to specify relationships... - 02:28 PM Bug #31: need dataset id reference from metadata
- reassigned to berkley
- 10:33 AM Revision 403 (metacat): added the returnfield element to be used for dynamically choosing which fields to return from xml_nodes.
- 10:29 AM Revision 402 (metacat): added support for the returnfield parameter
- -QuerySpecification now sets a flag (containsExtendedSQL) when there are returnfield items in the pathquery document....
- 10:26 AM Bug #95 (Resolved): support for Namespaces in XML documents
- We need to support storage, query, and retrieval of XML documents with
Namespaces (see At a min... - 10:23 AM Bug #94 (Resolved): add DOM interface support to metacat
- The current metacat database uses our proprietary API for accessing XML
documents. It uses a memory-resident model,... - 10:22 AM Revision 401 (metacat): added support for the returnfield parameter
- -added the dynamic parameters to the returned hash table of documents
- 10:20 AM Revision 400 (metacat): added support for the returnfield parameter
- 10:19 AM Revision 399 (metacat): is no longer needed because the marine servlet uses all of the metacat properties.
- 10:17 AM Revision 398 (metacat): a way to access the marine servlet without using javascript
- 10:16 AM Revision 397 (metacat): updated the URL given the new <returnfield> paramet
- 11:56 PM Revision 396 (metacat): Folded the functionality from DBSAXDocument into the DocumentImpl class.
- Now DocumentImpl handles both the reads and the writes to the database.
Eventually, it will implment the full DOM Doc... - 10:37 PM Revision 395 (metacat): Updated the readxml shell script to use the new DocumentImpl class instead
- of the old DBReader class.
- 10:34 PM Revision 394 (metacat): Removed because the functionality of that class has been
- replaced by the more efficient DocumentImpl class.
- 10:32 PM Revision 393 (metacat): Created new class "DocumentImpl" which represents an XML Document. This
- document will eventually implment the DOM Document interface. For now,
it implments all of the functionality that wa... - 02:36 PM Bug #59: create a more general specification for queries
- This fix is in progress:
I have added the capability to have <returnfield> tags in a pathquery document
which tell qu... - 02:34 PM Bug #63: methods in MetaCatServlet should be private not protected
- Extraneous methods were changed, the protected, overridable methods are:
t... - 10:24 AM Bug #31: need dataset id reference from metadata
- clarified action needed in subject, making it clear that we need the dataset id
reference in the metadata files in or...
- 04:30 PM Bug #93: allow dynamic addition of actions
- reassigned to berkley.
- 11:59 AM Bug #93 (Resolved): allow dynamic addition of actions
- Instead of hard coding in each action into metacat, actions could be loaded
dynamically by defining a class which co... - 04:29 PM Bug #63: methods in MetaCatServlet should be private not protected
- reassigned to berkley (I think he already handled this bug.)
- 03:41 PM Revision 392 (metacat): Added script to register document types in the xml_catalog table for our
- common public ID's.
- 03:38 PM Revision 391 (metacat): Added install feature for copying dtd's to the servlet directory so that
- they are accessible to the metacatservlet.
- 03:19 PM Revision 390 (metacat): Added new utility query to return all of the xml_nodes info for a given
- document id in metacat.
- 02:55 PM Revision 389 (metacat): Updated documentation for
- 02:52 PM Revision 388 (metacat): Modified the DBReader and ElementNode classes to more efficiently read
- documents from the database. In the old implementation, a db connection
was opened for each and every node in a docu... - 08:30 AM Bug #61: new resultset dtd spec
- In metacatservlet, the method that creates the resultset xml is now overwritable
allowing client modification of the ... - 08:29 AM Bug #60: use querySpecification
- All queries are now created in querySpecification.
- 08:28 AM Bug #56: code shifts and removals
- All of the tasks were completed.
- 10:49 PM Bug #92 (Resolved): need access control tracking for metadata documents
- Need to create a mechanism for tracking access control information for metadata
documents. This might be doen by cr... - 08:58 PM Bug #46: metacat insert fails on some documents
- Dan verified that this bug still exists. Reassigned to bojilova.
- 03:48 PM Revision 387 (metacat): redirector to access the marine servlet
- 03:45 PM Revision 386 (metacat): modified the xsl to work with the new servlet architecture.o
- 03:44 PM Revision 385 (metacat): marineServlet now overrides the transformQuery() function to allow it to put the values back into the text boxes of the xsl stylesheet rendered form.
- 03:41 PM Revision 384 (metacat): -fixed the bug where a pathquery document was not valid inside of the <query> tags in a resultset document.
- -provided override support for a new function called transformQuery() which allows specific applications to
custom... - 11:05 AM Revision 383 (metacat): Fixed small bug in transforming the document to HTML. If there was
- no stylesheet for a given doctype, and so the transformation couldn't
occur, the XML doc was returned, but the conten... - 10:56 AM Revision 382 (metacat): removed extraneous protected tags and replaced them with private tags
- 10:38 AM Revision 380 (metacat): Modified behavior of handleSQuery() to now send the resultset document
- back to the client application -- this was a bug introduced by recent
changes to the servlet. Also, generally cleaned... - 10:26 AM Bug #63 (Resolved): methods in MetaCatServlet should be private not protected
- Many of the helper methods in MetaCatServlet have been changed to "protected"
from their original "private" state. M... - 09:31 AM Revision 379 (metacat): decrease the number of "initialConnections" to 5, "increaseConnections" stay 5, decrease the "maximumConnections" to 10
- 05:31 PM Revision 378 (metacat): Changed release to version to alpha 8 (1.0a8) and tagged metacat in
- 05:29 PM Revision 377 (metacat): Updated default html forms for metacat queries to use the "anyfield"
- keyword for constructing a default query. This should now work with
the new handleQuery method of MetaCatServlet.
Bu... - 03:21 PM Revision 376 (metacat): changed to work with the new MetaCatServlet model. marineServlet now only overwrites one method in MetaCatServlet.
- 03:20 PM Revision 375 (metacat): changed the prototype of overwritable functions to "protected" instead of "private".
- 01:35 PM Bug #52: Change link to project abstract
- It was changed
- 11:06 AM Revision 374 (metacat): change the resultset format for DataGuide
- 09:25 AM Bug #58: add eml-resource to the catalog
- resource was added to the catalog and to xml_catalog in the database.
- 09:04 AM Revision 373 (metacat): Changed the flow of query and SQuery. SQuery now only handles a preformatted pathquery document as input (in the "query" parameter).
- HandleQuery now handles all structured queries derived by CGI parameters.
- 09:02 AM Revision 372 (metacat): Made changes to createSQuery to allow for multiple parameters of the same name. Also changed the param list to include only "Hashtable params" without a "String doctype" since the doctype is already contained in the params.
- 01:08 PM Revision 371 (metacat): fixed bug with handleSQuery() that kept DMan from access the squery functionality
- 11:48 AM Revision 370 (metacat): - created transformResultset() which transforms an xml resultset document and displays it to the client useing DBTransform
- - renamed transformDocument() to createResultDocument() and modified its functionality to only return a restultset xm...
- 04:07 PM Revision 369 (metacat): Changed "xmltodb" to "@html-path@/style" so that the resultset.xsl
- stylesheet could be found in various servlet contexts.
- 03:29 PM Revision 367 (metacat): changed release version
- 03:27 PM Revision 366 (metacat): Modified binaries to change classpath for metacat.jar under new
- build process.
- 02:52 PM Revision 365 (metacat): Repository reorganization, and some file cleanup to make the XSL and CSS
- files portable to various installations of metacat (by using the
build.xml file substitution in the XSL files). Remov... - 02:25 PM Revision 363 (metacat): removed unneeded replace command
- 02:24 PM Revision 362 (metacat): Added user and password to build.xml for filter substitution.
- 01:48 PM Revision 361 (metacat): remove handleQueryAction() in favor of directly calling handleQuery() and handleSQuery() from doGetOrPost()
- 01:37 PM Bug #62: hardcoded paths should be config parameters
All hardcoded paths in to the location of .html files are
changed with "htmlpath" parameter ... - 01:02 PM Revision 360 (metacat): Cleared hardcoded paths for the location of .html files and use
- the new "htmlpath" property from file
- 12:48 PM Revision 359 (metacat): sorry, I needed new property "html-path" with value "/xmltodb" for me.
- Chad, for you should be I think "/berkley"
- 12:15 PM Revision 358 (metacat): New "servletpath" and "installdir" properties
- 12:14 PM Revision 357 (metacat): Set a filter for installdir property
- 11:25 AM Revision 356 (metacat): set filtering="yes" attribute on the copy command of
- 10:00 AM Bug #49: need anonymous user login as default for metacat
Anonymous user login has been included as default to metacat. From the
metacat's web interface user goes directl... - 08:58 AM Revision 355 (metacat): Added decodeMouseAction(Hashtable) to decode the mouse click action outside of handleGetOrPost to allow for easy modification of images in a different application.
- 03:31 PM Revision 354 (metacat): added new constructor to allow the creation of a metacatutil object that uses a properties file other than edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.metacat.
- 03:22 PM Revision 353 (metacat): Fixed build.xml bug -- jar file was included recursively in itself, causing
- ever-growing size of jar on install. Changed location of jar file that is
built (from build.dest to build.dir) to fi... - 03:09 PM Revision 352 (metacat): added eml-resource to the catalog
- 02:40 PM Bug #57: changes to handleQueryAction
- I ended up breaking handleQueryAction into 4 different functions.
handleSQuery-handles structured queries
handleQuery... - 02:28 PM Revision 351 (metacat): Broke up handleQueryAction into handleQuery, handleSQuery, runQuery and transformDocument. handleQueryAction is now a base function which makes calls to each of these functions to create, run and transform a query from CGI parameters.
- 02:26 PM Revision 350 (metacat): Added createSQuery() to handle structured queries of an arbitrary number of parameters. Also modified createQuery() to handle a null query in a graceful manner.
- 01:53 PM Revision 349 (metacat): Added "release" keyword to all metacat source files so that the release
- number will be evident in software distributions.
- 01:43 PM Revision 348 (metacat): Updated build process to now use a copy of the source files so that keyword
- substitution can ocur before the build. This allows for substitution of
hardcoded values into the source before the ... - 11:27 AM Revision 347 (metacat): added Logout link
- 11:27 AM Revision 346 (metacat): added Logout handling
- 11:11 AM Revision 345 (metacat): clear lib dir from paths like xmltodb/lib/something.html
- 10:59 AM Revision 344 (metacat): on "DELETE" added delete from xml_index table for a given docid
- before delete from xml_documents, b' of foreign key in xml_index(docid)
to xml_documents(docid)
- 03:20 PM Revision 343 (metacat): Changed exception handling mechanisms for DBReader
- 11:26 AM Revision 342 (metacat): added createSQuery
- 11:25 AM Revision 341 (metacat): broke up handleQueryAction into handleQuery, handleSQuery, runQuery and transformDocument
- 04:30 PM Revision 340 (metacat): changed paths
- 03:39 PM Revision 339 (metacat): changed getRootNode method from public to private
- 03:37 PM Bug #62 (Resolved): hardcoded paths should be config parameters
- MetaCatServlet has some hardcoded paths that should be removed and put in the
configuration files. Mostly these are... - 03:34 PM Revision 338 (metacat): simple JavaScript to put focus on username field
- 02:48 PM Revision 337 (metacat): replaced some deprecated methods with the new v2.2 of Java Servlet API
- 02:47 PM Revision 336 (metacat): changed paths, b' of new dev server
- 01:45 PM Revision 335 (metacat): no message
- 12:13 PM Revision 334 (metacat): changing paths, b' of new dev environment
- 11:59 AM Revision 333 (metacat): added HTTPSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1)
- for every new Session - never to expire
- 11:56 AM Revision 332 (metacat): added "anonymous" user connection
- 04:17 PM Revision 331 (metacat): updated properties file to reflect new db location
- 02:51 PM Bug #61 (Resolved): new resultset dtd spec
- for return type make a <param name="xxx"> instead of <name></name>. This can be
used for more specific stylesheet c... - 02:48 PM Bug #60 (Resolved): use querySpecification
- All queries should be created through querySpecification instead of creating the
sql withing the client servlet. - 02:47 PM Bug #59 (Resolved): create a more general specification for queries
- work on a way to search through different fields from
different standards making the query more general - 02:18 PM Bug #58 (Resolved): add eml-resource to the catalog
- eml-resource should be added to the catalog with the appropriate stylesheet. It
also needs to be added to the sqlca... - 02:16 PM Bug #57 (Resolved): changes to handleQueryAction
- split handleQueryAction into three seperate functions. One to create a query
(createQuery), another to create an sq... - 02:10 PM Bug #56 (Resolved): code shifts and removals
- The following methods should be removed from marineServlet since they are
already implemented in metacatServlet:
do... - 02:00 PM Bug #55 (Resolved): change order of fields
- The order of the fields should be the following.
title alt title
keywords any field
Dataset... - 01:58 PM Bug #54 (Resolved): title and altitle fields are too small
- title and alttitle should be larger than 15 characters.
- 01:56 PM Bug #53 (Resolved): Interface does not look good in 800x600
- Change the interface so that the graphics are not as big in lower resolutions
- 01:55 PM Bug #52 (Resolved): Change link to project abstract
- The link should be
- 06:19 PM Bug #33: problems with replicating of DTDs, because of PUBLIC IDs
- Assigned to Jivka
- 06:16 PM Bug #20: DBSAXNode constructor can be simplified
- DONE as recommended.
- 06:14 PM Bug #48: need an option to do xml indexing asynchronously
- Can be implemented by starting a new tread from the servlet.
That tread can do the task in a background even after se... - 06:07 PM Bug #47: doctype and docid attr are needed in xml_index table
updateNodeIndex(docid, doctype) in DBSAXNode and other related classes are
changed for storing docid and doctype... - 06:02 PM Bug #30: get dataguide function needed by client
Implemented as part of DBUtil class.
doctype and docid attr are already added to xml_index table.
Retrieves all ... - 05:55 PM Bug #29: Download DTDs/Schemas for client
- Need to implement download of DTDs/Schemas.
- 05:51 PM Bug #23: creating shared pool of connections in metacat servlet
Implemented Pool of Connections only.
DBQuery, DBReader and DBTransform are created on every request.
MetaCatUti... - 05:40 PM Revision 330 (metacat): added web.xml configuration file for Tomcat Servlet engine
- 05:39 PM Revision 329 (metacat): -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new install process for the new
- linux server ( Added "" shell script that
calls ant withthe proper umask set for install...
- 05:31 PM Revision 328 (metacat): rearrange html pages for login and metacat access
- 03:06 PM Bug #51 (Resolved): adding a non-well-formed document results in a "success" message
- When inserting an xml document that was not well formed into the database, the
servlet returned the following error:... - 02:44 PM Revision 327 (metacat): renamed index.html to metacat.html
- 02:43 PM Revision 326 (metacat): unused
- 11:55 AM Revision 325 (metacat): it was smashed to 95 bytes only
- 11:24 AM Revision 324 (metacat): removed old xmldbms source tree because it is no longer being used as a reference
- 08:13 AM Revision 323 (metacat): no message
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