From 12/07/2005 to 01/05/2006
- 03:09 PM Bug #2317 (Resolved): modify ldapweb.cgi to restrict account creation
- ldapweb.cgi currently allows account creation in multiple LDAP subtrees based on
the organizationthe user selects. ... - 01:56 PM Bug #2207: Advanced Search integration
- See above comment.
- 01:52 PM Bug #2207: Advanced Search integration
- Modified the advanced search servlet so that it no longer hard-codes the context
to 'knb'. The servlet dynamically re...
- 10:50 AM Bug #2313 (New): Metacat Skins: Skins should not be installed by default
- Not all skins should be installed when metacat is installed. Hence it should be
configurable in wh... - 10:43 AM Bug #2312 (Resolved): finalize header graphic for ESA registry
- The header is almost complete except for final wording changes on buttons and
final detail on the moderation list bu... - 10:40 AM Bug #2311 (Resolved): modify stylesheets to display citation format
- Wehn displaying EML documents in the ESA registry (and maybe others in the
future), we will want to display the 'cit... - 10:38 AM Bug #2310: Advanced search functionality has to be integrated into various skins.
Setting milestone to 1.7- 10:38 AM Bug #2310 (Resolved): Advanced search functionality has to be integrated into various skins.
- The new advanced functionality needs to be integrated into all the skins. Right
now it is only part of the default ... - 10:24 AM Bug #2060: Documents not indexed because of error generated during indexing of documents
- Closing for now. The code seems to be working for now.
- 10:22 AM Bug #2136: Replicate deleted documents in Replication
- Now, we add documents in xml_revisions table to the reponse of getUpdate action.
I also modify the code for writing d... - 10:19 AM Bug #2091: Don't determine document namespace by "schemaLocation" attribute
Fixed. Seems to be working fine for now. All the documents replicated to knb1
seems to have doctype set correctly.- 10:14 AM Bug #2084: Pathquery support for temporal search on date fields
Moving to 1.7 as not enough time to get this done for 1.6 deadline.- 10:13 AM Bug #2222: Bug in squery when using not-contains
Fixed. Closing the bug as it seems to be working fine.- 10:13 AM Bug #2158: Metacat Performance on KNB: Bring the logging level down on ecoinfo.
Fixed. Metacat uses log4j and the level is set to WARN by default.- 10:11 AM Bug #2154: Metacat Performace: Configurable path condition indices
Done. Closing the bug as it is working fine.- 10:10 AM Bug #2153: Metacat Performace: Add/drop indices on key columns
Not enough time to do this for 1.6 release. The performance is fine for now. We
can take this up again in 1.7 relea...
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