



From 08/03/2013 to 09/01/2013


02:39 PM Feature #6033 (Resolved): Add configuration to disable 'pathquery'
In the file, there is a property:
If the "pathquery" i...
Jing Tao
11:19 AM Revision 8165 (metacat): set the timed index interval to be 12 hours.
Jing Tao


04:30 PM Revision 8164 (metacat): If the pathquery engine is disabled, the xml path index queue will be disabled as well.
Jing Tao
11:50 AM Revision 8163 (metacat): If the xpath query is disabled, the query, squery and spatial_query action will be disabled as well.
Jing Tao


04:01 PM Revision 8162 (metacat): Add code to throw an exception if the pathquery is not enabled.
We also need to disable building index if the pathquery is disabled. Jing Tao
02:45 PM Bug #6057 (Closed): Publish DOI action does not update revision history correctly
Now fixed in the 2.1.1 release. ben leinfelder
02:44 PM Bug #6057 (Closed): Publish DOI action does not update revision history correctly
System metadata was not correctly duplicated for the new object (using the DOI) and the revision history suffered. ben leinfelder
11:39 AM Revision 8161 (metacat): Change the parameters order of the constructor. We maybe reuse some code from d1_cn_processor.
Jing Tao


04:06 PM Bug #6054 (Feedback): BagIt package is unzipped as "bag"
Now using file names like:... ben leinfelder
03:38 PM Bug #6054 (Closed): BagIt package is unzipped as "bag"
It should be "dataPackage" or a mangled version of the PID ben leinfelder
04:04 PM Revision 8160 (metacat): use consistent file names and zip content names. Opted for "-" separator so that the zip writer does not remove the unique part of the filename.
ben leinfelder
03:52 PM Revision 8159 (metacat): Change the solr-home directory location for the testing.
Jing Tao
03:51 PM Revision 8158 (metacat): Not include the solr-home in the jar file.
Jing Tao
12:21 PM Feature #6031: Add rendered metadata to Bagit package contents
I was just moving it out of the 1.0.0 MetacatUI version so it didn't get lost. Moving to metacat as Ben indicated. Matt Jones
12:11 PM Feature #6031: Add rendered metadata to Bagit package contents
This is a Metacat feature and would need to be coded in the MN.package() method. ben leinfelder
12:16 PM Bug #6053: Include rendered Metadata in Bagit content
-What format should the Metadata be in: PDF or HTML?
-What L+F/branding would be included or not?
-Would eith...
ben leinfelder
12:12 PM Bug #6053 (Closed): Include rendered Metadata in Bagit content
ben leinfelder


04:09 PM Revision 8154 (metacat): export a directory rather than a file in the scm plugin. This fixed an issue that the pom.xml didn't work with the svn with version 1.6.
Jing Tao


02:18 PM Revision 8153 (metacat): Add a plugin to copy the solr-home from the metacat-common to the target/classes.
Jing Tao
02:17 PM Revision 8152 (metacat): Remove the solr-home to the metacat-common.
Jing Tao
02:16 PM Revision 8151 (metacat): move the solr-home from the metacat-index to the metacat-common.
Jing Tao


05:16 PM Revision 8150 (metacat): Use the properties for the schema url and name.
Jing Tao
05:06 PM Revision 8149 (metacat): Change the verson of the metacat-common to be the 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
Jing Tao
04:28 PM Revision 8148 (metacat): Change the version to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT and the dependency version of metacat-common to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
Jing Tao
04:26 PM Revision 8147 (metacat): change the version to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
Jing Tao
04:16 PM Revision 8146 (metacat): [merge from branch to keep trunk up to date with upgrade history] prep for Metacat 2.1.1 release
ben leinfelder
03:53 PM Revision 8144 (metacat): Remove the file and it will got from the D1.
Jing Tao
03:33 PM Revision 8143 (metacat): Add code to check out the schema.xml from dataone project.
Jing Tao
12:57 PM Revision 8141 (metacat): copy the original systemMetadata when publishing a revision in order to avoid overwriting the original values - the shared map is listening!
ben leinfelder
10:56 AM Revision 8140 (metacat): Extends the test class for the base test class.
Jing Tao


03:14 PM Revision 8139 (metacat): Use the exact number of the index fields for testing.
Jing Tao


05:07 PM Revision 8138 (metacat): Modified the documentation.
Jing Tao
05:01 PM Revision 8137 (metacat): Modified the documentation.
Jing Tao
04:52 PM Revision 8136 (metacat): Modified the documentation.
Jing Tao
04:49 PM Revision 8135 (metacat): Add a junit test to test resourcemap subprocessor.
Jing Tao
04:43 PM Revision 8134 (metacat): Use the ResourceMapException when a component of a resource map isn't found in the solr index.
Jing Tao
04:42 PM Revision 8133 (metacat): Add a ResourceMapException.
Jing Tao
03:56 PM Revision 8132 (metacat): Add the property of dataone.hazelcast.location.clientconfig.
Jing Tao
01:22 PM Revision 8131 (metacat): Make the method getSolrindex to be public.
Jing Tao
10:25 AM Revision 8130 (metacat): change the configuration path.
Jing Tao
10:17 AM Revision 8129 (metacat): Change the configuration path according to the change of the class.
Jing Tao


04:17 PM Feature #6050 (Resolved): Use the spring application-context xml file from d1_cn_index_processor.
It was done by the above approach. Jing Tao
04:17 PM Feature #6050 (Resolved): Use the spring application-context xml file from d1_cn_index_processor.
We copied the application-context-systemmeta100.xml, application-context-systemmeta064.xml, eml and fgdc files from d... Jing Tao
03:08 PM Revision 8128 (metacat): Use the class path configuration of spring to replace the file configuration. We can reuse the application context files in the d1_cn_index_processor jar.
Jing Tao
03:01 PM Revision 8127 (metacat): Remove the application context files (except the resource map one). It will use the ones in the d1_cn_index_processor.
Jing Tao
02:19 PM Revision 8126 (metacat): Add a new property for the log class name.
Jing Tao
01:43 PM Revision 8125 (metacat): Add a constructor.
Jing Tao
11:03 AM Revision 8124 (metacat): Remove the constructor.
Jing Tao


05:47 PM Revision 8123 (metacat): Add a junit test class.
Jing Tao
03:55 PM Revision 8122 (metacat): Add a junit test.
Jing Tao
09:47 AM Revision 8121 (metacat): Change it from an interface to an abstract class in the document.
Jing Tao


05:04 PM Revision 8120 (metacat): Add a test query method.
Jing Tao
04:56 PM Revision 8119 (metacat): Add a junit test class.
Jing Tao
11:18 AM Revision 8118 (metacat): Add the servlet-api jar file under the test scope.
Jing Tao
11:17 AM Revision 8117 (metacat): Add a junit test file.
Jing Tao


09:18 AM Bug #5395 (Rejected): Get unexpected result if a search was done before metacat finishes its indexing during the inserting process.
I think we should mark this as 'won't fix' since it is part of the deprecated pathquery feature. ben leinfelder
09:16 AM Bug #3067 (Closed): Website for KNB does not print all of the metadata pages
new metacatui uses the "printall" option on the stylesheets and this includes all attribute details. We do need to ma... ben leinfelder


04:56 PM Revision 8116 (metacat): [merge from branch] use #view and #share links for new metacatui deployment.
ben leinfelder

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