



From 11/06/2013 to 12/05/2013


01:32 PM Story #6276 (Resolved): Update to use new EZID API URL
The EZID admins sent us this. We should update our URLs whenever this change is made (estimated late January 2014).
ben leinfelder


10:20 AM Bug #6225 (New): Need a link for account skin to come back the home page
In the account skin, a user can't find a link to come back the main page (home) after does an action, such as create... Jing Tao
09:06 AM Bug #6219: Is $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none') good enough in the ldpweb.cgi?
No, it is not. That is a security bug, as it means that the SSL cert from the server may be invalid. For maximum se... Matt Jones


07:17 PM Bug #6219 (Closed): Is $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none') good enough in the ldpweb.cgi?
Currently when the ldapweb.cgi binds the ldap server, it issue this command to start tls:
$ldap->start_tls( verify...
Jing Tao


08:33 AM Bug #6194 (Closed): publish service does not create an ORE document
ben leinfelder


02:17 PM Bug #6191 (Closed): Wrap ldapweb.cgi links from register-data.cgi metacatui template in div
ben leinfelder
09:14 AM Bug #6193 (Closed): obsoleted versions of objects show up in KNB theme
ben leinfelder

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