



From 03/29/2017 to 04/27/2017


03:45 PM Bug #7176 (Closed): Metacat-index RDF/XML subprocessor not populating prov_hasDerivations field
The query was modified and it worked. Jing Tao
03:41 PM Bug #7184 (Resolved): The count number is -1 when the expandRightsHolder method lists the subjects
Please see details on:
Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #7183 (Closed): CN V1/V2.archive implementation only allows CN and MN administrators to act
Jing Tao
03:39 PM Bug #7183 (Closed): CN V1/V2.archive implementation only allows CN and MN administrators to act
Please see details on:
Jing Tao


08:10 AM Bug #7182 (New): Allow partial package downloads when some of the objects are private
When you try to download a package that has at least one private object, you get a 401 - Unauthorized response. When ... Lauren Walker


04:41 PM Bug #7181 (New): Verify completeness of unit test MetacatRdfXmlSubprocessorTest
Verify that all prov relationships that are indexed via src/main/resources/application-context-prov-base.xml are insp... Peter Slaughter


09:18 AM Bug #7178: MNodeService.getPackage() takes too long for large packages
If you can figure out how to reference files rather than copy them, I FULLY support that! I suppose the MN.getPackage... ben leinfelder
07:22 AM Bug #7178 (New): MNodeService.getPackage() takes too long for large packages
When users click on the @Download All@ button in MetacatUI, we call @MN.getPackage()@ to zip up the members, create H... Chris Jones

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