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Estimated time: 0.00

# Estimated time Status Subject Tracker
6855 Closed Update the metacat documentation Task Actions
6847 Closed Fix listObjects() to filter by replicaStatus correctly Bug Actions
6845 Resolved Update Identifier in the metadata document when it is updated Feature Actions
6828 Rejected A jar file can't be found when the metacat-index is building Bug Actions
6827 Closed update SSL configuration directives Task Actions
6796 Closed Cannot register DOI for private object Bug Actions
6756 Resolved Exception when a user create an account in the file authentication mechanism Bug Actions
6715 Resolved Section headers in the metadata online registry link to #none Bug Actions
6687 Resolved Cannot disable "site list" in Perl registry Bug Actions
6684 Resolved The schema service will hang there if the link to the schema in xml_catalog table is not accessible Bug Actions
6678 Closed Update perl registry installation doc Bug Actions
6677 Closed perl registry installation fails Bug Actions
6666 Resolved Fix MNresourceHandler to handle v2 API MNStorage.updateSystemMetadata() Bug Actions
6640 Rejected Metacat should hold the solr index for archived objects Bug Actions
6586 Resolved Index PROV relationships Task Actions
6582 Resolved Duplicate key error when submitting the online registry form multiple times simultaneously Bug Actions
6579 Resolved resourceMap field is not indexed after uploading a package via the online registry Bug Actions
6565 Rejected Optionally exclude data files from Google sitemap generation Feature Actions
6558 Rejected Update the Metacat skins with the new CSS used in the EML project Feature Actions
6556 Rejected Create PROV annotations in ResourceMapFactory Feature Actions
6555 Closed Convert PNG diagrams in ORE Model Expansion doc to plantUML diagrams Task Actions
6548 Closed Expand ORE model to allow relationships for derived datasets Story Actions
6546 Resolved old metacat URIs should redirect to #view service Bug Actions
6542 Closed Fix MNodeService.systemMetadataChanged() to be asynchronous Bug Actions
6532 Closed Explain different metacat and CN endpoints in the MetacatUI docs Task Actions
(1-25/37) Per page: 25, 50

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