Update utilities tag to 1_0_1_RC1
Format file
axis-ant (1.3) support in metacat (may need additional jars)
force ecogrid to use SVN for checkouts, currently using trunk (but may swap to a tag in the near future)
Added generic scheduler and workflow scheduling functionality.
Begin development for Bug 3835: Design and implement OAI-PMH compliant harvest subsystem
Update version to 1.9.1. Add nrs ldap properties to configuration.
replace eml2_0_1-style-tag with eml2-style-tag
Use only one eml common stylesheet directory for all post 2.0.0 beta versions of eml. Point all eml versions to that directory in skin xml files.
Use the EML_UTIL_0_9_0 tag
Update EML 2.1.0 schema and style (util) tags. These tags now only cover the files relative to each.
Clean perl code before building.
distribute perl autosplit.ix file with metacat. change tomcat startup script output to echos.
add a build property "make.perl.code" so the cgi make can be turned off in build.xml on machines without make.
Format indexPaths in metacat.properties. Remove from build.properties and build.xml. Move indexPath list getter from MetacatUtil to SystemUtil.
Add the service registration xml schema to the database. The ecogrid build will add the schema files to the application (see seek)
Moved ecogrid hostname to build.properties
change the eml tag to RC4 instead of head.
change dev-install target to be install target
re-add line to delete source tar after distribution
created a deb-package target which builds a metacat debian package.
Add test files to source distribution. Remove old tar and zip files from the distribution.
Get helper files from src/scripts
add a build-metacat target that is more intuitive than install-ecogrid
Add release info property to provide a brief description of the release (release candidate info mostly)
Add a tag to the utilities module checkout
move ldap.properties.metadata.xml to auth.properties.metadata.xml
Add lsid server to metacat binary distribution.
Remove test.build property. All test driver files are now included in build.
install-ecogrid is required for the distbinaddresses bug #3618
fix peer.utilites.required variable. Fix Metacat.pm directory.
add getpeerutilities to utilities target
add a getpeerutilities target to check out utilities if it does not exist.
use RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_7 tag for EML style sheet change.http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3059
added testPrepare target which copies server test files into the war if the test.build property is set to true in build.properties
Make ecogrid deploy directories relative paths.
Have test cases read properties from configured metacat.properties file.
Created a distbin target that creates a binary zip and tar.gz which has the war file and supporting install files.
build Metacat.pm from within ant. Deploy cgi files to lib dir inside metacat.
Get eml 2.1.0 files
add ldap.properties.metadata.xml to build
do not copy metacatURL property to seek when building ecogrid - not neeeded now.
move the intall-ldap and install-registry functionality into the warprepare target.
include property for running the install-skin target
Exclude ClientViewHelperTest from unit tests to be run.
Remove token filtering from images
remove outdated filter properties
Add ldap.properties.metadata.xml to distribution
Exclude MCTestCase base class from test build
Copy properties metadata files to test directories during testprep so we can use PropertyService in tests.
remove sql update files from dist target
Add db jars to the war. Remove db upgrade sections. Reformat properties.
use build.tomcat.dir to get to tomcat jar
Add missing closing tag to comment out database update targets
Merge 1.9 changes into Head
removing commits that I didn't mean to make
made it so that the error and success messages from a multipart upload can be transformed using xslt. also added upload functionality to the sms skin
checked into cvs head: replace eml-201-tag to eml-201-style-tag in getConversionalXSL.
remove extra "/" from config-dir path (ticket 3176)
Add a new target to run the patch which will correct eml201 documents.
Separate eml201 schema (RELEASE_EML_2_0_1) and style tag (RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_6).
Change the eml-201 tag from update 5 to update 6.
Change the release number from 1.8 to 1.8.0
Change release from 1.7.1 to 1.8
Add new lter and psico usr/pass to check reffal working fine
Changed the eml 201 tag from RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_4 to RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_5. Update 5 has the xsl changes which callie made.
In test target, add copy command (copy metacat.properties to build dir).
Use localhost to replace the host name in case axi is configured to reject remote admin.
Change the release tag for the EML stylesheets to be used by metacat to EML_RELEASE_2_0_1_UPDATE_4 so that the new stylesheet changes are incorporated. To pick up these changes in a local metacat build, you need to delete the files in metacat/lib/schema as well as metacat/lib/style/common/eml-*, then do a clean build with "ant clean install". When you do this, you should see the "geteml" target run in the build, and youshould be prompted for your CVS password to download the new schema versions....
Change release to 1.7.1
Add a upgrade-1.7.1 sql property for oracle.
Add a target to run db upgrade script.
Use a log.dir variable to replace tmp dir in replication log file.
Removed obsolete targets which handled gt3 stuff.
more changes for the ajax stuff
Add token for ldap server down template.
Remove utilities.jar as part of distsrc target to allow compiling releases under different jdk versions
updated version number and readme
added database upgrade script to 1.7 build process
Removed tomcat 3 support
Merged the spatial web.xml.combined into the default web.xml.tomcat5
Updated MetaCatServlet so that it supports a web-based interface for configuring its own properties the first time it is run (determined by the property "configured" being set to false). Which properties are exposed in the web interface is determined by the list of properties in the 'metacat.properties.metadata' file. This file is managed by the new OptionsMetadata class in the utilities module, and provides information that allows metacat to build a human-readable configuration page for the properties. Still need to finish filling out the information in metacat.properties.metadata for the rest of the properties that we want to be editable. This autoconfiguration process is the first step towards building a turnkey installer for metacat....
I've added new properties called "styled-shared-path" and"style-shared-relpath" that represent the directory in$METACAT_HOME/lib/style/shared. This directory contains shared XSLstylesheets that are similar to those found in $METACAT_HOME/lib/style/common,...
Eliminated the 'release' ant tag from the rest of the files. The 'release' property is still used in build.xml for creating releases, but the filter is no longer presnt. Now, when updating the metacat files for a release, you have to set the release version in both the build.xml and the metacat.properties files.
install.spatial no longer optional since metacat servlet requires some geotools libs. Spatial option can be still be turned off in metacat.properties
fixed errors in xalan.jar location
initial import of changes to metacat source and config files to support spatial option
adding xalan jars to the classpath so tht the compile works without errors.
removed the code which copies eml-2.0.09 stylesheets
Remove CR characters that were accidentally added with last commit.
Correct problem with image files in skins sub-directories being corrupted by token filtering. The exclude and include tags needed to have relative paths that include sub-directories.
updated the tag which has to be checked out for eml-2.0.1
Add info for deploy ecogrid.
altered build file to reflect the non-existence of build_new.xml in the ecogrid
Fixed typos in the build that were preventing the tests from running.
Add code to handle server-config.wsdd. it is necessary to run "ant deploy-ecogrid"
Add more properties will be parsed to ecogrid.
Some changes to the build to make it easier to install the servlet under SSLusing https as the protocol, and also to allow ldapweb.cgi to be installedstandalone without an accompanying metacat. To do so, run both the"install-ldap" target and make sure the "account" skin is installed using the...
Add code for distribution to include ecogrid component.