[merge from branch to keep trunk up to date with upgrade history] prep for Metacat 2.1.1 release
[merge from 2.1 branch] do not require app deployment when calling build-metacat target
include Metacat classes when compiling lsid lib (was getting a compilation error otherwise).
do not pull metacatui resources from git into Metacat during build.
retrieve MetacatUI project from github (requires client has git installed!) and build into the "metacatui" skin during the war process. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6020
The "war" target will build the metacat-index.war as well.
Make the target init depend on build-metacat-common.
exlude /lib/maven from the war file
first pass at integrating CILogon/MyProxy certificates in Metacat. Configuration is specific to mn-demo-4.test.dataone.org for the time being (this will cause localhost deployments to fail webapp deployment). https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5936
Copy the index fields description file to the web-inf dir.
only build metacat-common before compile, no need to do it every time the ant build is called.
move maven.home into build properties (hoping that hudson will be able to correctly override it)
Add the code to build the metacat-common.
create the lib/maven directory in order to resolve the deps and carry on with the build.
require utilities.jar before compile
use maven to manage most jar dependencies in Metacat.Exceptions include: LSID, Datamamager (EML),
Include solr and lucene jar files into the war. We maybe change it when we use pom.xml to manage the jar dependency.
do not skip tests during metacat-index package phase. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5918
split the deployment of metacat-index.war copy into two different tasks so that the "install" target puts it in both the /dist and "deployment directory" whereas the "install-metacat-index" bypasses metacat building and kust rebuilds the metacat-index.war and puts it in the deply directory.
copy the metacat-index.war file to the app.deploy.dir rather than dist.dir.
build metacat-index.war using maven and copy to the metacat /dist folder. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5907
use updated EML stylesheet tag. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5903
enable plantuml generation when building the sphinx documentation. note that you do need to have graphviz installed, but hopefully that is all.
use utilities 1.3.0 tag
use utilities and eml style tag as we prep for release.
Search and indexing with Lucene/SOLRRequires a manually configured SOLR installationNot currently used by the rest of metacat
use utilities tag to build (remember to 'fullclean' after this update!)
use utilities and eml RC tags for building Metacat.
correct the "?" links in the admin pages to the docs pages that are deployed as part of metacat.
remove morpho.jar -- moved needed classes into shared utilities project. (currently building form utilities trunk -- be sure to 'ant fullclean' to get the latest utilities.jar built)
include sessionid when constructing the EML download link. pull from RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_5 eml tag.http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5709
include sessionid when constructing the EML download link. pull from RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_5_RC1 eml tag.http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5709
use RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_4 for EML stylesheets
use RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_4_RC1 for EML stylesheets
use eml stylesheet tag (1.0.3)
update for 2.0.1 upgrade -- scripts, docs, readme
include xml-apis*.jar when building the LSID authority.war -- without this file the authority webapp has a fatal error (no class def found) on init.
excluded the HzObjectPathMapTest$1 and HzObjectPathMapTest$2 classes which are not test classes in the test taraget.
use 1.0.2 tag for EML stylesheets
use RC for EML stylesheets before going to yet another minor revision number.
add 'fulldist' target to combine building of src and bin distributions
remove distribution tar.gz and zip files on fullclean.
get utilities source from the correct checkout location
exclude the MockObjectPathMap class from the test target since it is not a junit test.
exclude QueryRunner in test target. This is not a junit test file.
use updated tag for EML stylesheet-only changeshttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5597
include eml2.0.0beta4 DTD during Metacat build so that we can continue to accept (and validate) beta4 documents.This arose when testing Metacat as DataONE Coordinating Node where legacy documents are being housed in the CN.
actually use the filter token for stmml-1.1 schema
register stmml-1.1 schema (distributed as part of EML 2.1.0) in an effort to avoid unnecessary network traffic or the failed retrieval of the stale XSD sitting on unofficial servers
restore "test" target that I nuked when adding runoneclass. (thanks, Chris)
refactor D1-specific upgrade utilities into their own package
upgrade to hazelcast so that threadpools are released when not needed (http://code.google.com/p/hazelcast/issues/detail?id=765).include ant target to run a specific main class (mostly for debugging)
test harness for running system metadata generation outside of the upgrade process
use "test" to exercise upgrade code on staging DB.
use EML 2.1.1 tag as final tag for the schemahttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5532
use RELEASE_EML_UTILS_1_0_0 for EML style sheetshttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5532
use EML 2.1.1 RC4 tag before final tag (schema)http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5532
use final tag for building with utilities (tags/UTILITIES_1_1_0)http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5532
use final tag for building with ecogridhttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5532
Modified build to include documentation in the war file that is generated as part of the build, if the 'documentation' target has been run before thewar target. This is not done automatically because its not clear if allpeople will have the proper sphinx environment set up to build the...
Adapted the build to be able to generate the Sphinx Admin Guide, and tobetter handle the copyright for Javadoc generation.
Using a branch name for the utilities project. This branch is a copy of the trunk and it uses the BSD license.We will move this branch to a tag soon.
Change the ecogrid tag to 1.2.2.RC5.
newer seek tag
use EML style tag for: only show organization when the individual is omittedhttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5499
load hazelcast test files from the classpath rather than from rob's personal directory.
move the DataONE 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
call the web.xml tomcat6 not tomcat5
include default hazelcast.xml in the war build
remove unused/old D1 SCHEMA downloads and build tasks
exclude non-test cases (d1)
On the fullclean target, add code to delete the entired checked-out utilities directory.
Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.
do not use XML files for storing SystemMetadata - use DB tables only.
Committing the change to the utilities tag to pick up fixes in newline handling at the end of the files. With this, the MetacatClientTests pass.
Modified Metacat to build against the D1_SCHEMA_0_6_1 branch of the dataone schemas by incorporating the 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT version of d1_common and d1_libclient libraries, and refactoring Metacat code references to the d1 schema changed types.
remove very old "metacat webservice" code - as far as i can tell it is never referenced or used. plus we have eocgrid and the new D1 rest services covering this territory now
new EML style tag
use newer ecogrid tag to allow omission of the ecogrid query title (as is allowed in the query.xsd schema)
The DataONE service API jar has been renamed to d1_common_java-0.5.0.jar, updated the build file accordingly. Added debug echo of the test classpath.
use latest eml style tag
use newer EML stylesheet tag
Add a comment to the new target install-configured-metacat.
Using echo to replace propertyfile in order to avoiding character escape.
Add a target to change the configuration value to be true.
remove httpclient 3.1 and custom-built httpclient.jarrework MetacatClient (and other classes) to use httpclient 4updated build to not create httpclient.jarencoding tests now pass.
update to ECOGRID_1_2_2RC2 tag
include geoserver.war in the 'install' target but also allow 'bypass' option when geoserver is not deployed next to metacat
include geoserver.war when building the distributionmove xalan jar into common lib where it is used to compile lsid supporthttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4307
do not use "filtering" on binary shape files - they will be corrupthttp://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4307
Change the ecogrid tag to tags/ECOGRID_1_2_2_RC1.
fullclean will remove entire ecogrid dir rather than just two files.
omit spatial exclusions that do not exist (part of the geoserver removal)
geoserver upgrade:-remove embedded geoserver -include geotools api and update spatial harvesting-include simple template for using maps in skin (openlayers now, not mapbuilder)
use a non-runtime classpath to locate the axis tasks (required when I upgraded to ant 1.8)
only use tags when pulling resources from other projects. if you are doing rapid development in supporting repositories it may be useful to switch to 'trunk' locally but we should try not to forget about this when building releases.also added a few more resources in the 'fullclean' target to really wipe out the external resources
use latest EML xslt tag for build
merge "shared" and "common" EML stylesheets into single "common" directory that is retrieved from the EML repository when Metacat is built
copy, compile, and run the test classes using UTF-8 encoding since they contain special characters