


# Date Author Comment
7300 07/10/2012 04:26 PM ben leinfelder

prep for 2.0.2 release by updating the version numbers.

7276 06/18/2012 02:27 PM ben leinfelder

update for 2.0.1 upgrade -- scripts, docs, readme

7119 04/05/2012 03:05 PM Chris Jones

It looks like jk.conf and were moved in the scripts dir: update the install docs accordingly.

7118 04/05/2012 02:56 PM Chris Jones

Fixed a minor typo in the tomcat config section.

7050 03/08/2012 03:52 PM ben leinfelder

add note about to the documentation

7014 02/16/2012 07:05 PM Chris Jones

Use 'a2dissite' to disable the default site (not 'a2ensite').

6929 01/20/2012 12:59 PM ben leinfelder

-include instructions about enabling AJP connector in Tomcat config
-use postgres 8.4
-include hint to disable default Apache site (otherwise the knb config never gets used!)

6928 01/20/2012 11:08 AM ben leinfelder

include instructions for installing Sun's Java6 JDK since it is no longer in apt-get repos

6925 01/19/2012 03:32 PM ben leinfelder

make it clear that the Apache config files are samples and may need to be modified for different servers

6924 01/19/2012 03:16 PM ben leinfelder

update system requirements to be more reasonable

6871 01/10/2012 01:00 AM Matt Jones

Moving Metacat Sphinx RST documentation from docs/dev to docs/user directory.

6870 01/10/2012 12:42 AM Matt Jones

Merged most recent changes from trunk into the RST converted version of the Administrator's Guide. Now the Sphinx/RST version is up to date rlative to the most recent word document, and is now the active copy. The MS Word document will be deprecated and removed. All future changes should be made to the RST version.

6838 01/03/2012 08:02 PM Matt Jones

Updated the Installation chapter, coverted to RST.

6831 01/03/2012 03:57 PM Matt Jones

Updating Sphinx doc structure in prep for moving metacat admin guide to Sphinx.

6147 06/16/2011 12:09 AM Matt Jones

Begin process of migrating Admin guide to Sphinx. Structure is now set up, but
content needs to be copied.