update documentation to reference Tomcat 7, Java 7 and newer apache config file name conventions. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6855
add notes about when metacat-index.war and metacatui.war files should be deployed.
add step about enabling CGI module.https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6678
remove unnecessary Make step in registry installation instructions.https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6678
Add the code to install the build-essential package.
merge updates from 2.4.2 changes
update documentation for trunk to use 2.5.0 release number
remove semantic annotation proposal - moved to github: https://github.com/DataONEorg/sem-prov-design/blob/master/docs/use-cases/semantics/semantic-annotation.md
add more sections about extending the annotation model, serializations, and permissions.
Added more description for the model. cleaned up a few formatting issues.
draft of semantic model documentation
Fixed an error in the ORE model diagrams
Describe the primary data resource in the derived resource RDF
expand the sparql queries to include dcterms:identifier
Text changes to ORE docs
Add documentation for the ORE model expansion for derived data
The image which has the default values.
Add a new screen shot which contains the cn url.
The package libdigest-sha1-perl was removed from ubuntu 12.04. We have to install it from cpan.
Added an explanation of "metacat context" to the Metacat Themes docs based on questions asked by an actual user following our instructions in the docs.
Edited the docs to incude more details about creating a custom theme
update to use 2.4.1 so the trunk has all artifacts for upgrades.
Changed some of the font and stlyes of the metacat docs for easier reading and fixed a big where the metacat admin "configure" buttons were not working
add generated diagrams for stats proposal -- seems to be our practice for other documentation pages.
add a link to the authentication interface page so users can more easily find information on how to add users to the auth file.
minor formatting error
Design document for the new Metacat statistics service
Minor edits on the new AuthFile features.
Add the documentation for the password file authentication.
Add the configuration for the password file authentication.
Move the authentication part forward a little bit.
Add the screenshots for the password file authentication and ldap authentication.
use v2.4.0 for documentation and upgrade scripts.
Add the documentation for the property user management url.
Add the part for the AuthFile class in the auth.class property.
Add the documentation for the property auth.file.path.
Resampled the background image for the admin docs for a faster page load
prep for 2.3.1 release
point users to the geoserver admin page deployed in the separate geoserver webapp (thanks, TFRI!)
use https for fonts.googleapis.com imports so they can load in https deployments.
include perl DateTime module in registry install instructions. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6099
Adding theme configuration screenshot to docs
use 2.3.0 for this next release of metacat.
correct rst formatting.
make sure all versions are using 2.2.2 of some sort -- thinking of making this release a 2.3.0 release because we will be branching/tagging from the trunk, not the 2.2.x branch.
Added Lauren to contributors list in the metacat guide, and made the two lists match in sort order.
prep project for 2.2.1 patch release -- will also merge to the 2.2.x branch.
add sample SSLCertificateChainFile directive to DataONE section.
minor edits to the UI theme section. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6067
include reCaptcha instructions, albeit briefly. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6096
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6082
Added the documentation for the new MetacatUI theming mechanism. Make some styling changes to the documentation and configuration pages and added Bootstrap and FontAwesome.
More screenshots for the docs
FontAwesome and Bootstrap are imported locally rather than via CDN. Updated the docs screenshots to the new style.
correct table formatting for sphinx
Adding a protocol to the <link href=""> for the external CSS
add anchor for plugin handlers property
Pull the external stylesheets in by <link> rather than @import for faster page load
Simplified the importing of images and stylesheets so that both /admin and /docs pull from /docs
Made some CSS changes to the "Go" button in the docs because it was off by a few pixels in three different browsers. Also changed the admin config landing page links to look like buttons
add documentation entries for fields that appear on the main metacat admin page.
Imported FontAwesome after Bootstrap for the FontAwesome icons. Also added a white version of the metacat logo.
prep for 2.2.0 release. include configuration value for metacatui deployment context.
Matched the admin config pages to the default metacatUI theme. Changed the background image of the docs and config pages to a big cat for some metacat branding.
bring the "Go" button down one more pixel to align with the search field.
A few style changes to the docs
Added an ID and div wrapper to the docs html for more precise CSS selectors in the metacatui ExternalView.
Added a Sphinx theme for the documentation that mirrors the new default theme for MetacatUI.
[merge from branch to keep trunk up to date with upgrade history] prep for Metacat 2.1.1 release
clean-up and flesh-out the metacat-index docs. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5884
allow running the Harvester client without a source code checkout. (D. Blankman comments)
move harvest registration page to the default skin, not the KNB skin. update docs to indicate such. (based on comments by D. Blankman)
upgrade to Metacat 2.1.0 on the trunk. This includes a new index_event table for storing indexing events that need to be reprocessed. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5944
add note about metacat.properties backup. https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/3085
Use 2.0.7 version number in configuration/upgrade/docs (trunk, even though we will not be releasing 2.0.7 from trunk, we want to have the upgrade scripts included here)
Add a new class ApplicationController.
(generated image commit) add ObjectPathMap reference for an indication about how we might read the bytes of a science metadata file for generating the index events.
add ObjectPathMap reference for an indication about how we might read the bytes of a science metadata file for generating the index events.
add new Stand-alone indexer component that can utilize more of the cn-index-processor code (Spring configuration) as is. Include Hazelcast reference to illustrate listener mechanism for responding to events that affect the index.
Change the name of the class SolrFieldParser to IDocumentSubprocessorFactory.
Add SolrDoc and SolrElementField class.
Add a new class SolrFieldParser and remove some classes like GenericIndex.
include class diagram for components in the cn-index-processor packaage (dataone), metacat, and solr library.
added more classes to the index diagram to reflect current state of the code - needs to be updated to include plan for implementation (e.g., DocType object is not what we want). http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5884
enable plantuml generation when building the sphinx documentation. note that you do need to have graphviz installed, but hopefully that is all.
reference the correct metacat.properties entry for "guid.ezid.enabled"
add section about behavior for deprecated Metacat API. http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5513
add DOI development page. http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5513
add solr index documentation outline. http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5884
ready Metacat for 2.0.6 release (docs, db version, build files etc).
update release date to December
correct the metacat.properties help anchors.
use version 2.0.5
use correct release date (September 2012)
include qformat parameter in docs for squeryremove mention of 'username' for getLastDocid -- should only use scope param
prep for 2.0.4 release
prep for 2.0.3 release
add note about DataONE CA chain file when configuring MNs at Tier 2+
prep for 2.0.2 release by updating the version numbers.
update for 2.0.1 upgrade -- scripts, docs, readme