Added px to the css files.
Modified the index.html file to have a link for search.
Modified text, style and formating for the skins.
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Changes made by Veronique and Saurabh in the css for the skins.
I (Andrea) defined new styles in the .css files that are used in theentryForm.tmpl page.
(Committed for Andrea Chadden by Saurabh Garg)
Fixed bug # 1298
Modifications to add "Methods" collection to the data registry, and tomake the forms HTML 4.0.1 valid (in an attempt to figure out some ofthe rendering and layout oddities I'm seeing).
Improvements to the OBFS stylesheet, especially for EML display. Now weimport the eml_xsl.css stylesheet and override several of its templates.
This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESIGN_BRANCH back into the head.The only files that have been removed are those in lib/style/eml2; other filesthat have been cvs removed (only from lib/ and lib/style) have been re-addedelsewhere (i.e. moved from one directory to another)....