Bug #2207. Add new JavaScript function to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Bug #2207. Add AdvancedSearchServlet to support Metacat Advanced Search interface.
Initial checkin of LSID support code for metacat. The LSID support hereprovides access to metacat documents through an LSID identifier. Theidentifier takes the form: urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:jones:1:1
See http://lsid.sourceforge.net for more details....
Add new index value for distribution url.
Added parameter to specify how long the indexing Thread should wait for the docid to show up in xml_documents
new variables defined for the indexing threads.
Updated list of coordinates for OBFS sites
(Commit for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg)
Bugfix in the searches done from the skin webpages...
Updated list of coordinates for UCNRS sites
Change in obfs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Change in nrs homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Change in nceas homepage so that search uses a radio button instead of check box
Bugfix in the query sent to metacat
Bugfix in the metacat query generated in javascript
changed old link for Long-Term Studies Section to current link
this file is used in Fireworks to make the header and the slices
1. useSiteCoord option is made avaiable again2. contact email address can be made required.
Added lter to list of orgs.
New changes in the esa skin so that includes the moderator functionality and login/logout functionality
These are all header updates to include the login and logout for the ESA Header links. I left the original Header and named it headerOld.html and saved the Slices that go with it too. (the ESAHomeLogo.gif file might be overwritten) The code for the header to work with the Logout slice and roll over is in the file headerLogout.htm. <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogout','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALogoutR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogout" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogout.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Logout"></a></td> The code for the login slice and rollover is in the header.htm file <td><a href="#" target="_top" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('ESALogin','','ESAHeaderSlices/RollOvers/ESALoginR.gif',1);"><img name="ESALogin" src="ESAHeaderSlices/ESALogin.gif" width="57" height="17" border="0" alt="Login"></a></td>
Made logging configuration and format changes in log4j.properties
Modifications to LTER skin.
Renamed login.xsl to esa-login.xsl
bug fix login.xsl. and modify the resultset to be called in esa.xml
Copy of resultset.xsl from style/common folder which will be modified for esa skin
Changes in login.xsl and moderator.html so that once the moderator logs in, the resultset is displayed
New files and modification of esa.xml for the new moderation facility for esa skin.
Fix for bug 2220
Fix for bug# 2220
Fixed javascript bugs
fixed the qformat.
Fix for bug 2217
Fix for bug 2218
Refactored the build to use a <path> element for the classpath ratherthan ant properties. This makes the classpath easier to manage, but requiredchanges throughout the build. I think everything should still build fine --it works for me.
Upgraded the JDBC driver for postgres to the version 8 driver....
changing qformat to xml
Adding log4j jar file and log4j.properties file to lib dir
Added three new options for specifying the moderators, allowed submitters and submitters who are not allowed
Add another servlet url mapping for replication.
Add new parameter into start action.
Removing support for site from pathquery.dtd
add new timed replication setting properties.
Added mapping for the replication servlet which were missing earlier.
Changes to the OBFS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Changes to the NCEAS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Changes to the NRS index and header html code so that restricted search on name, title, abstract, keywords etc is done. action=squery is used for this instead of action=query.
Bug fix in the javascript code for the esa skin
Following fixes to the ESA's index.html
> Changing the checkbox label to read 'Include data from the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity'> Change in Javascript so that KNB is searched when checkbox for Search KNB is clicked-> Change so that the search term doesnt disappear after hitting the enter button.
Changes made to Basic Information so that it is cleas that the first name and last name fields refer to the metadata provider rather than the owner
(Commit by Saurabh Garg for Callie Bowdish)
Fixed the link to OBFS
Added px to the css files.
Modified the index.html file to have a link for search.
added b {font-weight: bold:} to accommodate Mac Safari browser
Added literalLayout, para and geographic Description to the list of paths to be indexed
New header for the ESA skin
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Callie Bowdish)
Adding new gifs for the ESA header
Adding gifs for the new ESA header
(Commit done for Callie Bowdish by Saurabh Garg)
Added some more search parameters - like para and literalLayout.
Also made the changes in text suggested by Mark.
Changes made to the drop-down list of US states and territories and to the abstract section of the data registry form and guide, by Veronique Connolly.
New changes in text which Veronique suggested.
Changes to the ESA skin so as to search on particular given fields instead of searching everything
Added new paths to be indexed to metacat.properties
Added a new property 'indexed_paths'. All the paths mentioned under this property will be configured in xml_path_index table.See bug 2154
Add servlet mapping for replication.
Changes made to the address and abstract sections of the data registry form and guide by Veronique Connolly.
Add image for LTER skin.
Modifications to the lter skin.
Replacing '' with '_' so that there is no ambiguity in javascript ids generated as part of the resultset
an index page for the developer tools
Increase height of .iframesearchboxclass to accomodate Internet Explorer.
Changes in tablehead and highlight styles made by Veronique Connolly
(Submitted by Saurabh Garg for Veronique Connolly)
Skin for Kruger National Park. Includes some improved text for the mainpage, as well as addition of a login form for the main page.
Ne wlogin form for dev skin that does not require the full DN.
Fixed a bug - there is a white space at the end of data medium
Adding move up, move down and delete gifs for register-dataset.cgi
added an upload form for binary files in the dev skin
Updated properties to use release from the build.xml file.
Updated version in the metacat properties to 1.5.0rc1.
Add an "advanced search" link that points to the LTER query interface page.
Adding lter skin.
Commenting out lines regarding /servlet/metacat again as we are trying to use "/context/metacat" where context is the tomcat context.
Fixed web.xml so that /servlet/metacat/* points to the metacat servlet
Changed "NCEAS Data Registry" to "NCEAS Data Repository" for sender. Veronique
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Changed "registry" to "repository" for the nceas skin. Veronique Connolly
Commenting out link to /servlet from web.xml for tomcat5
Changes made to the css files by Veronique (tablehead class).
(Committed done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique)
Changes made by Veronique to generic guide following Mark Stromberg suggestions.
Modified text, style and formating for the skins.
Replaced Usage Constraints with Usage Rights and Data Originator with Dataset Owner.
Changed default maxHarvests value to 0. Added logic to ignore maxHarvests value when it is set to 0 or a negative number. This allows Harvester to run indefinitely without shutting down after reaching a maximum number of harvests. The previous default value of 30 would cause Harvester to terminate after 30 harvests.
Added code such that an offset can be specified in metacat.properties for entering records into xml_queryresult table. The value of xml_returnfield.usage_count should be more than the value specified in metacat.properties for records to be entered into xml_queryresult. so if you want results for any combination of returnfields should be stored in xml_queryresult only after that combination has been requested 50 times, set this value to 50
Fixed a bug in last commit
Added new parameters to control the size of resultset for browsers and application like morpho. Also a parameter to specify the length of xml_queryresult.queryresult_string
Registry templates redesigned by Veronique Connolly and Saurabh Garg
Changes to the Data Registry Guide made by Veronique Connolly
Fixed formatting of the html page generated by using tables in all ldap files.
Changes made by Veronique and Saurabh in the css for the skins.
Made changes in the contact information for the skins.
Modified the text in the index files.
Modified the text in the header files.
Changes made to Data Registry Guide by Veronique Connolly
Changes made to Data Registry Form by Veronique Connolly and Saurabh Garg