Cleaned up some unused items. Modified color and height.
Provides the right margin for the KNP skin layout. Modified the background color.
Provides the glue for the KNP skin layout. Modifications mostly involve moving iframes out of this page and into the skins layout configuration.
Provides the header section of the KNP skin layout.
Initial checking. Provides the footer section of the KNP skin layout.
Used relative paths to servlet; rather than fixed names or substitution variables.
Provides a mechanism to access clientview classes from an XSLT-generated HTML document (within the skins framework).Serves as a servlet for "updating" files from XSLT-generated html multipart-forms.It simply forwards the multi-part request to the ClientViewHelper java class....
Added "Update" html forms functionality, and modified html appearance.
Change the off set number for a selection query.
Updated com.oreilly.servlet (cos.jar) from 19Jun2001 to current 05Nov2002 version. Fixed uploading in to allow parameters after file object, was disabled for a workaround in the previous library.
Change the maxium queryresult string length.
Add a switch to control if we need query cache.
Add a new property which defines the size of query result cache.
Add a initial delay for indexing.
Initial checkin. Just a starting point for the FGDC Metadata xsl view.
Changed the metadata XSL target to use the new FGDC XSL file.
Resized the login frame.
The JSP "KNP Main View". Refactored some of the original code to other classes to work with the edu.ucsb.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview API.
The JSP "Client Login View". This view now uses the edu.ucsb.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview API, rather than interacting directly with the MetacatClient class.Refactored most of the original code.
Initial checkin. The JSP "Client FGDC Upload View". This view uses the edu.ucsb.ucsb.nceas.metacat.clientview API.
Initial checkin. This particular form probably won't be used, however, it is provided here as an example of using the new "Delete" API.
Removed the "action" param, and added the "qformat" param.
Moved delete code out JSP and into
Changed the height setting for an iframe.
Changes include: 1) Separate "Search for Data" between public users and logged-in users, 2) Separate "Browse Data Sets" for public users and logged-in users,3) Ability to get a list of Doc Id's based on a specified scope, 4) Ability to select a data package or data file by selecting from a list of Doc Id's, 5) Ability to "Delete" data files,...
Initial checkin. Convenient xhtml snippet to be included in a JSP file, to define several input parameters required by MetaCatServlet.Alternative to using javascript or repetitive html.
changed web site to use new documentation paths. this break a lot of stuff because metacat won't return the subelements of an xpath query. this will have to be fixed through metacat
KNP skin customization. Initial checkin of new file. Called by the standard skin javascript protocol of "insertLoginBox()".This contains a non-modal "Login Form" and account management links. It also contains a web form for inserting a new metacat data package.
KNP skin customization. Added a call the the standard skin javascript protocol of "insertLoginBox()". This replaces the prior "Login Form" and "Manage Account" section, which have been removed.This code is now in the new SaeonLogin.jspx file.
Modified the iframeloginboxclass class. Customized for the KNP skin.
Added LOGINBOX_URL and IFRAME_LOGINBOX_CLASS. Customized for the KNP skin.
Add new porperty for delimitered ouput debug file.
Reset the spatial option to be true as default the value.
Add two porperties which control to write debug info to a file rather than log.
paging now works in a more normal manner. also fixed a bug where the last page would display too many results.
updated the kepler skin to use paging. need to do a bit more work on this to make it behave more like other web applications
This update includes tech support emails for LTER and UCNRS.
Added a new class called Sitemap that is used to generate a series of XML documents representing the URLs of metacat documents following the sitemap protocol. The Sitemap class extends TimerTask so that it can be scheduled to run once a day or so. New configuration options were added to to control where the sitemaps are written and hw often they are updated. By default we do it once a day, as more often is overkill for search engines....
Added servlet mapping that allows PATHINFO to be passed to the metacat servlet for use in URL handling for READ action.
Added predicates to return paths.
Add new variable getReviewsTemplate to fix the bug which moderater couldn't see comment window.
updated installation instructions
moved from metacat/lib
moving these jars to the ajax dir
adjusted cell widths, font sizes, and white-space policies.
more changes for the ajax stuff. it now works on the production server
updated the ajax code to make it easier to install. also updated the installation instructions.
more changes for the ajax stuff
added a note
file with installation instructions
updated readme
modified the shell and compile scripts so that theyy are easier to modify for different systems
initial checkin of the kepler ajax metacat interface. these files may need to be moved later, but they need to be in cvs all together for now.
Updated broken LTER link in template (bug #648)
Add a new servlet mapping for metacat.
Fix bug in the Advanced Search form reported by Dave Balsiger at NTL. The bug occured only in one of the following two special cases:
(a) The user modifies longitude but leaves latitude at default values;(b) The user modifies latitude but leaves longitude at default values....
Added the MSU organization to ldapweb.cgi.
Can't get results displayed correctly due to a limitation in metacat (bug 2769 in
Kepler Repository Skin
Changed the contacting information.
Add a new template for show the message ldap server is down.
Remove the file to bin dir.
Fixed bug the logurl is invalid
Fixed a bug that the metacat url will still read from parameter 1
Add the option in wget and get cookie work.
updated stylesheet for kepler skins to display documentation uploaded from kepler
Add a script to build index of given docid.
As part of a fix for,I'm adding a few configuration parameters to
1) ldapconnecttimelimit limits the time in milliseconds allowed for LDAP server connections. This reduces the impact of any single...
Added additional organizations to the login dropdown list for theKruger skin.
Add index.html in welcome file list.
ESA server does some funky things to relative URLS so we have to hardcode the esa skin urls to use a specific root and context
Make world map the default for the common spatial template
Added preliminary support for multiple spatial schemas in the same metacat instance .. bug 2551
Fixed mapbuilder loading image when wms is down .. bug 2695
Initial architecture for dynamically generating SLD/OGC:Filter documents to control which docids get shown on the map. The sldfactory servlet is in place to handle this but is not fully functional since there is currently no way to quickly and dynamically generate a list of allowable docids with a level of performance acceptable for real-time web mapping.
Add lter and other institute into option list.
Add lter and other institutes into option list.
Improved data point styling. Thickened and smoothed the white outline by stacking two fill rules rather than one fill plus stroke.
Changed SLD wizard paths to relative instead of assuming context name was geoserver. Patch has been submitted to geoserver dev team.
removed old geoserver/geotools jars that were causing some trouble
upgrade to geoserver 1.4rc5
shortened the latitude/longitude to lat/lon to save screen space
Added changelog for 1.7.0 to readme file. Updated version number in properties.
Changes to map layout and skins according to input from Callie and Matt
Removed tomcat 3 support
Merged the spatial web.xml.combined into the default web.xml.tomcat5
minor changes to khtml detection stategy
safari/opera detection for interactive map. Users of non xslt-compliant browsers will be redirected to an error page.
Changing initial configured status back to false
Set configured to false initially. Include notification in configure process that geoserver password needs to be changed plus instructions on how to do so
Updated MetaCatServlet so that it supports a web-based interface for configuring its own properties the first time it is run (determined by the property "configured" being set to false). Which properties are exposed in the web interface is determined by the list of properties in the '' file. This file is managed by the new OptionsMetadata class in the utilities module, and provides information that allows metacat to build a human-readable configuration page for the properties. Still need to finish filling out the information in for the rest of the properties that we want to be editable. This autoconfiguration process is the first step towards building a turnkey installer for metacat....
Initial import of interactive map components for the following skins: esa, knb2, knp, obfs, nceas, nrs
restored original styles to knp-specific layers
I'm adding a set of EML XSL stylesheets that are separate but similar to thosefound in the lib/style/common directory. I have created a directory called'shared' (in libstyle) and put these modified stylesheets within it in orderto maintain backward compatibility with skins that were written previously...
I'm adding the two html templates from the OBFS skin developed by Matt Jones.These were used as reference files in the PISCO skin.
I'm adding the two jsp files that originated in the KNB skin developedby Matthew Brooke, modified for the PISCO skin.
I'm adding the PISCO-specific XSL stylesheets used to transform EML documents to PISCO web pages. Notice that resultset.xsl is now in this templates directory, rather than in lib/style/common since it has PISCO-specific styling.
I'm adding in a number of supporting image files that make up the PISCO header, navigation bar, and footer sections of the styled web pages.
I'm adding the legacy PISCO skin to metacat as a starting point to doing CSS-based XSL styling of XML documents in the data catalog. These files were based off of the OBFS and KNB skins.